Plant is 33 days old with only 1st circular leaves n first fan leaves are retarded


Well-Known Member
well i use a miracle grow concetrate fluid that somes in a lil 3 buck bottle i add 20 drops per like 2 quarts or sumtin like that. since i am hearing fro everyone that the miracle grow is bad, i will stop using it and see what happens and i am going to move my lights alot closer to the plants, n anorexia ouuuucchhh!!!!! n whoever keeps sayin im runnin multible threads, i am, but about different problems on the dif plants look at the topics of the threads, still nobody has told me to do with my one plant that has its first circualer leaves, and retarded yellowing first fan leaves and 6 inches tall , it hasnt grown any in 2 weeks nobodys offered any hellp on that main topic, please help me im worried for my plants man.


Active Member
start over is what everyone is saying. not to be negative but those plants are not worth saving. if it hasn't grown in two weeks then there is no use. when you plant the next ones let them sprout and each day move the cfl closer and closer. scrap the other light and buy another cfl. we aren't trying to be mean but just listen to us. all of us have been in the same spot that you are in.


Well-Known Member
Yep, that's the sad truth. Twenty years ago, I did the same thing. When I saw your pics I had to smile, because light starved, over loved plants look like that. After 33 days your plants should look like the ones you see in pics all over this forum. If you look around you'll see plants 21 days old with nice thick stems, lots of leaves and even some budding up.

Throw them away and start again is your only viable option I'm afraid.



Well-Known Member
I hate to say it but start over. Whether u want to kill it is up to u but don't expect anything more than a couple bowls iff anything. I would just let it be a house plant, and start out some plants with the light closer. They are so stretched, unless u have 12 feet of height to play with they are gonners, and even then its near pointless. It will have like three bud spots your top cola will be a gram wet.


Well-Known Member
well i plan on purchasing two 9.99 42 watt cfls giving off 2700 lumens a piece, i recently put a humidifief into my grow rm to make it more humid, n i moved each plant to an indvidual cfl 13 watts one minght be more cuz its bigger, i plan on moving out into sun light when it gets warm, i will start over with more seedling n use more experience this time but i have to wait till i get more seeds is there any way to get seeds shipped from a seed bank to the usa?


Well-Known Member
If I can find some pics on my camera, I will show you what my plants looked like @ 33 days. Even my dwarves I think were looking a little better and they are a small strain. So you CAN keep trying to save these, but if after a week more you see nothing I would go back to square one.


Well-Known Member
Ok here is what one of my bigger strain plants looked like 3-4 weeks after germinating. (Attachment)

This was 3 weeks later (second attachment)

Heres what it they look like (beginning of April, germinated first week of december). (final attachment)

So ya should see progress similar to that, depending on strain but w/e....just trying to help.



Well-Known Member
well i use a miracle grow concetrate fluid that somes in a lil 3 buck bottle i add 20 drops per like 2 quarts or sumtin like that. since i am hearing fro everyone that the miracle grow is bad, i will stop using it and see what happens and i am going to move my lights alot closer to the plants, n anorexia ouuuucchhh!!!!! n whoever keeps sayin im runnin multible threads, i am, but about different problems on the dif plants look at the topics of the threads, still nobody has told me to do with my one plant that has its first circualer leaves, and retarded yellowing first fan leaves and 6 inches tall , it hasnt grown any in 2 weeks nobodys offered any hellp on that main topic, please help me im worried for my plants man.
Miracle grow is not that bad! Its not good but it works if thats all u have access to or all u can afford. I don't know of another fertalizer for that cheap that will get the job done so.... Just dilute it way beyond reccomendations and flush at the first sign of nuteburn. The reason most people hate it is because they couldn't use it properly, or they are really experienced growers with a bunch of cash and won't use it. If u are not investing a bunch of moola in the grow. which your not, miracle grow will work...


Well-Known Member
yep normally when a plant stops growing if it still looks healthy its coz it needs more light,,,,plant leafs turn light into sugar which they use to grow,so not enough light means very little growth,and if the lights to far away itll stretch too,,,im sorry but you should start again,but make sure you get atleast the basic stuff you need to grow successfully first,,,,,,,,,,peace


Well-Known Member
okay im planning on purchasing two 42 watt cfls the biggest they had at ace hardware for 9.99 a piece they give off 2700 lumens each. im not sure if u could add lumens, if u can thats 5400 lumens and thats good, if not its 2700 and thats okay a lil low but ay it will do alot better then what im doin right now, i have noticed though, my smALLEST PLAnt that is 37 days old, it has had stunted growth for the last two weeks, its the smallest plant i have only about 4-6 inches tall but already has its 3rd or fourth set of leaves it stopped growing in between those. but yesterday i sat it under a cfl directly like an inch under it, im not sure the wattage on this bulb but im guessin 20 sumtin for cfls, but i noticed it seemed to have a grown a lil tiny bit, i could be trippin but it looks really healthy and im pretty sure i noticed a difference since ive moved the lighting closer, my tallest string bean plant i put the plant directly under the light now the leaves are growing closer together and itns not strectching so as long as i keep this up n it doesnt stretch any more the top of the plant n the cola should be savable right? n i have this other plant thats been growing 37 dayslike all the rest but has only grown first circualr leaves and retarded shriveled up first fan leaqves, he hasnt grown in two weeks, looks healthy except for the retarded fan leaves, what can i do whats the problem, n yes i think i will continue to use watered down miracle grow... thanks


Well-Known Member
okay im planning on purchasing two 42 watt cfls the biggest they had at ace hardware for 9.99 a piece they give off 2700 lumens each. im not sure if u could add lumens, if u can thats 5400 lumens and thats good, if not its 2700 and thats okay a lil low but ay it will do alot better then what im doin right now, i have noticed though, my smALLEST PLAnt that is 37 days old, it has had stunted growth for the last two weeks, its the smallest plant i have only about 4-6 inches tall but already has its 3rd or fourth set of leaves it stopped growing in between those. but yesterday i sat it under a cfl directly like an inch under it, im not sure the wattage on this bulb but im guessin 20 sumtin for cfls, but i noticed it seemed to have a grown a lil tiny bit, i could be trippin but it looks really healthy and im pretty sure i noticed a difference since ive moved the lighting closer, my tallest string bean plant i put the plant directly under the light now the leaves are growing closer together and itns not strectching so as long as i keep this up n it doesnt stretch any more the top of the plant n the cola should be savable right? n i have this other plant thats been growing 37 dayslike all the rest but has only grown first circualr leaves and retarded shriveled up first fan leaqves, he hasnt grown in two weeks, looks healthy except for the retarded fan leaves, what can i do whats the problem, n yes i think i will continue to use watered down miracle grow... thanks
:peace: Just my 2 cents here....So they got stretched oops but you are on your way to unstretching them good job. Just stay with the pace of your plants growth by moving the lights up as the plants grow upwards. You used miracle grow plant food and perhaps too much but not too much now because you lowered the dose, problem solved nice job. Your plant's lifes arent over and you don't have to start over as these weeds are very resiliant. As long as they have some green to them they will survive. The remedies you have done will turn them around.

Things to think of are 1. to help your plants with the skinny stem add a little heap of soil around the stem to help support it while it is getting thicker and stronger. 2. Also seedlings grown in soil do not need any food for the first 3-4 weeks because a good soil will have everything a young plant needs. It is when the plants are ready to go into flower that flower nutes should then be given. These weeds can handle alot but sometimes they get fussy about too much of anything love, food, water so slow and easy is often the best approach to a succesful grow.

What i see on here is that when people use mg what they see in their minds eye is a grown in 3 weeks huge fat juicy pumpkin or tomato but that is a commercial not an actuality in a BUD'S life.

So take it slow and easy, love them just right and they will be fine. :blsmoke:
Good luck.......Smith


Active Member
i have used mg on my first grow and it isn't bad as long as you start low and SLOWLY increase your dose. like it was said before your plants don't need nutes until there is rapid foliage growth above ground. the first 2-3 weeks is when the roots are establishing a foundation in order in absord nutes and water.


Well-Known Member
well thankyou, i am going to go put soil around the stems to give them better support, i have a plastic fork with the pronges sticking up suppotrting my biggest plant, without it it would fall down completely it is that week, what can i do to greatly help that? thanks for the advice smith.


Well-Known Member
well thankyou, i am going to go put soil around the stems to give them better support, i have a plastic fork with the pronges sticking up suppotrting my biggest plant, without it it would fall down completely it is that week, what can i do to greatly help that? thanks for the advice smith.
Just keep the fork there for now but also add that bit of soil and when the stem gets thicker remove the fork. When stems are that weak there is no harm in doubling up the support until they can stand on their own. Have fun with your kids and let us know how things work out.:peace:


Well-Known Member
oh my god, when you said 6 inches, I was like shit thats a nice plant... 6 inches of strech though!!!!!!!! get them lights closer, or grab a couple more cfls... light is so so so so soooooooooooooooo important, it took me a while to realize it.