plant hight


Well-Known Member
hey everyone im starting my grow of ww from seedsman seeds I want to have my plants at about 50 inches tall,so im thinking about vegging my plants to about 24-25 inches but ive heard somethimes plants can triple in size so im not shore I just know I want them at about 50 inches tall thanks for the help in advance


Well-Known Member
no Im wondering at what hight I should put them into flowering if I wanted my plants at 50 inches and yeah im shooting for 50 inches


Well-Known Member
your plants are already going to be taller than 50 inches even if u flower today so id flower today or they;re just gonna get taller and taller


Well-Known Member
so wait if I want my plants to be about 50 inches id flower them at what? like 20 inches?


Flower at 18 - 24 inches. At that height with the proper lighting, feeding, watering and air circulation/venting you could average and ounce a plant or better depending also on strain. I would go for an Indica as they flower and finish sooner the Sativas, Northern Lights is a good indoor grow though I doubt you will find a pure vareity of that strain. You do not want to go to high with your plants as this may create difficulty with your lighting and the heat from the lamps. You should maintain a distance of 18'' or so from lamps to tops and don't want your fixtures cramed to close to your ceiling. Also, with plants that tall you will get little light to the bottom growth ending up with skimpy, whispy flowers that amount to little or nothing. Go 18-24, use the bottom growth for cloning just before you begin to flower and snip the rest to about six inches from medium leaving a clean stalk at the bottom. Prune at 8-10" for additional tops, flower 18-24, no feeding last 21 days, check resin glands with microscope just before harvest, Bon Apetite!...yesca


Well-Known Member
im trying to get more then 1oz per plant lol I have a 600 watt hps grow light seedsman ww organic soil perlite fox farm nutes so yeah im trying to get more then 1oz per plant thats why I want my plants at about 50 inches