Plant fell over! Will it recover?


My plant fell over due to overwatering. It was week at the stem by the soil and I didn't know. I tried to LSt and it just fell over. I added more soil to the pot and got her standing back up straight. Will she recover?


Well-Known Member
it probably will, they are pretty resilient. You might want to prop it up with something and get a little fan to blow a breeze on it, this will help strengthen the stem


Here she is. IT looked like about 10 minutes after it fell over. Hopefully she recovers. I have a fan that blows a breeze on them. What do you guys suggest to prop it up?



Well-Known Member
If your plant is falling over from just the weight of the plant then you have somthing else going on. THe plant fell over because of somthing else going on, fix that problem first.......


It isn't falling over from the weight. It was when I bend it to do LST. I know it was weak bc I overwatered it. Did some quick research.


New Member
It really looks like it want a drink? How is your soil? Can you tie a string at the top and hang it from something. Taking the weight off the injury will help speed up recovery. JAS


Well-Known Member
hi chino7564, what are you room Temps/Humidity Levels and when did you last water and how many ml did you give the Lil lady? and under normal conditions How often do you water? every 3 Days? more or less than this?

hope she perks up?


Temp is 82 degrees. Humidity is 51%. I watered her on the 25th. I water her until I get a little bit of runoff. I water her about every 4 days.


Active Member
if a full droop doesn't recover from some water....ummm. IDK, im sorry but i have lost any that havent recovered from droop after a watering. Now im no super expert yet, but i would think it would point towards a rooting problem. Im working out kinks myself. GOOD LUCK! Keep on TRUCKIN!


Well-Known Member
I am with Xub... it looks like it dried out to much. Been there done that!!

How big is that pot? At 82 degrees it will dry out pretty quick if it is a small pot. Do you have one of those moisture meters that you poke into the soil?


Well-Known Member
82 = 27 Celsius which is a little high but still within the safe range i think, tho this can depend on Plant Pot size, Room Size etc...
Don't think you watered too much or too often(though again..Variables..Plant Pot size(Pot Bound?
Aeration) Room size and Temps..
One thing..did you water before trying LST? reason i ask is I'm sure i read somewhere that it is better to NOT water before each know let the plant start to wilt/droop a little..Do your LST then water..The Grower that said this was because less stress on the plant..ever noticed how plants stand Tall n Proud when been by doing LST when Plants are due/need a watering they are more supple..

Just a thought....

Hope she picks up...

Nearly forgot what size Plant Pot she in and how long been in Veg



Well-Known Member
whenever i move branches around they always look like that they should perk back up in a day if theres no serious underlying problems.