plant container size, pic included


Well-Known Member
hey guys i already posted this but i cant find it on my posted threads it just went away but i only got one opinion on it, i want to know if the container im currently using will be big enough to grow my plants in, the plant in their now is 2 weeks into flowering , looks nice too for my first grow but i need some more info cuz i dont know if i should put it in a bigger pot or not, ok thanks guys here it is


Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
I would transplant, but transplanting can stress her out.
So, you must ask yourself, "Is it worth the risk?"

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
If ya do not disturb the root ball, and use B-1 and Superthrive wen ya trans, then chances of shock are minimal. I have NEVER shocked a plant during transplant!
It is POSSIBLE, if ya arent careful, tho!


Well-Known Member
ok i think im just gonna keep it in this container and get a bigger one for next time thanks guys anyone else that has an opinion feel free to give it to me haha

Sure Shot

Well-Known Member
If ya do not disturb the root ball, and use B-1 and Superthrive wen ya trans, then chances of shock are minimal. I have NEVER shocked a plant during transplant!
It is POSSIBLE, if ya arent careful, tho!
True, true.
But, you have way more experience transplanting then he does.
Like I said, I would transplant. But I grow my girls in 7gal. and 10gal. pots.
I just don't think he should risk it untill he is comfortable transplanting, to much risk IMO.


Well-Known Member
im not really familiar with root bound but if i do let it in this pot can it end up harming or even killing my plant because the roots wont have nowhere to go , i really need to know this, ok thanks guys

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Ya will be fine, w/experience and takin educated chances (which ya prob'ly dont wanna do right now), ya will learn to transplant eventually, enjoy the low stress of leavin em in those pots, they wont hurt em none


Well-Known Member
Since you are two weeks into flowering, I would not bother transplanting it now. After the second week of flowering, it usually doesn't grow much more. Most of the energy the plant needs now is developing its flowers and buds sites.

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
Since you are two weeks into flowering, I would not bother transplanting it now. After the second week of flowering, it usually doesn't grow much more. Most of the energy the plant needs now is developing its flowers and buds sites.
WTF?!? My girls usually grow til about week 5, then shortly after I have my second explosion of pistils followed by extreme density and bud growth.
Week 2 of flowering is generally the last time I will transplant if I have been lazy up to that point


Well-Known Member
well after the pic i just saw on this site of two huge beautiful plants, buds all over them and they were in fricken beer cups , not big cups either i couldnt beleive it , i start my plants in beer cups , it was just amazing to see 2 huge plants in two tiny cups, must have been a huge root ball in their. I think trasnplanting is pretty easy too ive done it about 6 times so im pretty comfortable doin it, peace out