Plant almost looks like its yellowing


Active Member
A friend of mine has a couple plants that are growing in coco. They are about 2 weeks old and I was looking at them and they almost look a little yellow. What do you think it is? I have read a thousand threads and searched a lot but I can't find a straight forward answer. I will see 5 different responses in 1 thread some say mag defieceny some say too much light some say ph and on and on . It's all great info but it puts me back were I started not knowing. Here is a pic of what my friend has its a jock horror and a random seed. There from a reputibal seedbank.
And some of my spelling is pretty bad lol I'm not an engineer


Well-Known Member
Yellowing is indicative of a lack of nitrogen as far as I know. Is he giving them veg nutrients? If not then get him to start, if he already has then maybe up the amount slightly.


Active Member
He started yesterday . All he has at the moment is fox farm nutes I don't believe those are the best for coco. But money is tight. How long after feeding nutes ahould one expect to see change. Also his ph is kinda high he needs to get some ph down. There at about have strength of what the directions for foliage feeding call for


Well-Known Member
If he hasn't added any nutes so far I would say that is definitely the issue. I've not grown in coco myself, only soil. I imagine the impact would be quicker in coco. A couple of days after adding them you should see a difference I think. Maybe not the old growth, but the new stuff should come through greener.


Active Member
How often would you add them until I start to see some results or just go with the water feed water feed type schedule and with them being so young they only get watered every 3 days or so


Well-Known Member
How often would you add them until I start to see some results or just go with the water feed water feed type schedule and with them being so young they only get watered every 3 days or so
I'm told you can water/feed pretty regularly with coco. I only have to water once a week in soil. As his plants are showing deficiency then I would suggest feeding for the next two waterings. Then maybe just use water - that really is personal preference though, personally I like to feed every watering.