Plans and plants


Active Member
I had to stop veg and go staright to flowering 4-5 weeks earlier than I expected. Was running at 24 and was going to start stepping it down accordingly. Ended up throwing them in darkness for three days straight and went in to 12/12. I didn't really see many signs of buds untill 10 days of 12/12 so where is my true flower time for them? I know when they are done they are done, just curious is all.
2 weeks or 4 weeks of flowering is the :?:



Well-Known Member
You can begin counting your flowering time from the moment you see pistils.

Most MJ plants take between 8-15weeks to fully mature ready for harvest.

If you have an indica plant then anything from 7-10weeks of 12/12 to be done

If you have a sativa plant then anything from 10-15weeks of 12/12 to be done.



Active Member
I'm growing both strains and each showed pistils while in 24 period just enough to sex really. I was going for some monster plants. Only one or two pistils per plant. I didn't see the mulitple hairs till 2 weeks ago