Planning Future Grow


Active Member
Hi there everyone i am looking at getting together a grow kit ie tent lights etc etc i have a £300 limit and was wondering if anyone here has any good websites that sell total setups and are trustworthey.


Well-Known Member
you will not get total setups with lights, fans etc for only 300 euro, and ususally you can save money buying seperatly and rigging yourslef


Well-Known Member
What sort of set-up do you want? How many plants? I would ebay most of it if i were you.


Well-Known Member
Yeah a good MH will run you $300 US (I think thats like 150 pounds), and the tents are generally more expensive. I have seen a couple of websites that have kits, but they are more than $600 US. And those are basically a small tent, light, and fan. Hydro setup will run you a few more dollars. BUT, don't allow my comment to dissuade you. Look around. Let us know, good luck.