Pipe Resin

Alien Train Wreck

Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Long Time no see!
I've been really busy with school, but everything's going smooth so I'm back =P.
Anyway, I got a pipe about a year ago that I named "The Fireball". I smoke out of it regularly and never got around to cleaning it.Needless to say....THERE IS A TON OF RESIN! And because my dealer is done dealing for two months (long story) I'm up shits creek. Whats the most effective way of getting all of the resin out (inside and out) for a rainy day?




Active Member
Heat up your pipe with a lighter. Then straighten out a paperclip and scrape it that way while the resin is all gooey. Same with the bowl and for the rest just take slow carb hits so the resin has time to heat up.