Pinching Tops.


Well-Known Member
If i pinch off my lil tops. They'll grow right back. Am i correct. And no im not talking about pruning. Just pinched a few tops off. This is ok isnt it?


Well-Known Member
uhh you have near 700 posts and ask this??... are you in veg mode? id say itd be okay, thats what topping is called right? if your in flowering mode and you pinched off a bud i would say that was a dumb move


Well-Known Member
Yah, its still in Veg, And i fuckin hate it when people say that shit because of how many post's i have. UIve only been here for less then 2 fuckin months, So sorry if i dont know everything and i ask questions. Im still on my first damn grow


Well-Known Member
I just did that recently(2 wks ago) to a 10 inch plant, but i also cut the fan leaves off there. The top and the fan leaves node were pretty close together. weeks later, it had like 6 tops growing up in a canopy. But it turned out to be a male, dammit, And i didnt do it to any of the fems, now im flowering.


Well-Known Member
Heres a pic of my plant, after 52 days. From bagseed. Definatley a female. Also this is my very first grow, How does it look?


Well-Known Member
Appears a bit on the small size for 52 days . . . and could/should be bushier.
Nice, healthy looking plant.


Well-Known Member
is it true, that since the bud forms at the nodes, that more nodes would equal more bud?

or is too much pinching before flowering an issue?