Pinapple chunk grow 4x4 tent 600w hps...


Active Member
Jeesus, Ive never seen soooo much bad information and bullshit in 1 1/2 pages in my life;

Flowa consistently pulls 1.25 out of a similar space with a 600w 1 PLANT, and he only vegs for 21 days with the use of cycoXL. Right now Im downsized to a TINY 2.5x2.5x6 and will be pissed if I dont get an elbow using a similar setup. Soil Vs. Hydro means nothing when it comes to yield its just faster so you can grow more crops in a year. Dont believe me? Do a search on true organics. Or look at any greenhouse or outdoor plant... you know the TEN footers??!? Feck man, fried rice....dude you gotta stop telling people stupid shit, has no one noticed that whatever soil this dude is using is frying the crap out of his little seedlings? Without good advice hes not gonna make it to gram 1, let alone P's. Sometimes man, I just dont know...-S0uP

Oo S0uP oO

Active Member
Idiot, what do you have like 2 grows under your belt? Dont tell someone new they cant do something because YOU cant do something. These are 2x4 tables in soil at 30 days with a medium yielding strain I did a few years ago # per side of the 4x4 tent easy. You are wrong. Period. No information is better than bad information. -S0uPIMG_6937.jpgIMG_6976.jpg


Active Member
Idiot, what do you have like 2 grows under your belt? Dont tell someone new they cant do something because YOU cant do something. These are 2x4 tables in soil at 30 days with a medium yielding strain I did a few years ago # per side of the 4x4 tent easy. You are wrong. Period. No information is better than bad information. -S0uPView attachment 2588664View attachment 2588665

About 2.5 grows under my supervision yes.
And if you recall my comment about space he wasn't saying a 2x4
Or 4x4, he said 1.2x1.2x2
a 4x4 space can definitely put out a pound.
If you think I'm full of shit I invite you to join my thread.
I've had my ups and downs, but I grow top shelf.
only time I ever fried a plant was when I did hydro.

Stick around there for a while and eventually this will settle


Well-Known Member
Never said it was lol all hydro does is quicker veg so if u veg longer in soil it would yield pretty much the same. If you kno what your doing of corse .