Pimp My AeroGarden


Active Member
Just got an AG with 7 "slots"

The lights are OK for me as I'm using them for cloning. I have an even weaker light on another dwc system.

The system used in the AG is a joke. It just has a flow of water thrown on the pots and they're suspended like an inch above the water. A JOKE.

What I did was just throw in 2 round air stones in there. I have a pump that feeds both cloning setups.

Instant result - the clones "got up" within an hour and are feeling good.

What the AG really misses is a small air stone at the bottom, I think it would grow a lot faster.

Any ideas how to pimp it out more, besides the light?


Well-Known Member
Add more air stones and air pumps. If you plan on filling up all the slots than you will need as much oxygen being pumped into the root zone as you can