Pics!!! When should i flower???


Well-Known Member
its got a drip ring but my roots are also in the soup with a air stone they got through a tiny hole and now they are huge
good, just as long as the water level is below the stalk about 3-5 inches your cool, this is the area where the oxygen is mostly taken in through the root. The roots will adapt quickly to being in water all the time, the roots will take in nutes when they need to.


Well-Known Member
very nice you like soiil better is it easyer
Ummm easier, in some apects yes, I mean I don't have to worry about pumps going out while I'm away, soil seems to be a little more forgiving in my experience, and the herb tends to taste better to me, but your system is what I started on when I began hydro, It works very well for what your looking for.


Well-Known Member
so should i not water 24/7 then and my res is always around 76 deg
No, just let the pump run, just make sure the water level isn't up too high.
76 is far too warm for a res tank temp. Commercial green houses often run at 58* because you can infuse exponentially more oxygen into the water at that temp. Plus algae and bad microbes will thrive in that temp(76), but if you have no choice, you'll still be ok, just as long as you change the nutes every 7 days, and clean the res out well each time. Flush with a flora kleen once a month to reduce salt buildup in the rootzone.