Pics of our first Hydro grow


Well-Known Member
Sweet! The hydro plants are looking good. I just ditched soil. Im tired of the mess. Good luck with the grow


just some guy
is this DWC or aero? there's a forum specifically for deep water culture.

Things so far look pretty good. good luck on this grow. give more details.


Active Member
Its Deep Water Culture....First week, we germinated 3 white dwarf seeds in paper towel, after germ, we transplanted them into starter plugs in the net pots, surrounded by clay pellets. We are using a Glad container with the top precisely cut to fit the net pots in snugly. We kept the water level at just above the bottom of the net pots with the bubbler underneath. We are using bottled water and keeping the Ph levels at between 6 & 7, and the nute level between 200-400 ppm, using our tds meter to measure. "Floramicro" is the only nute we used the first week, and very little of it. I am a strong believer that you should not go over 400 ppm, it will kill your plants. 50 watt HPS is being used throughout the whole grow. Same process for the second week, this whole time we had 24 hours of light. We are in the 3rd week, just changed the water (always using bottled, never tap water!!) and added "Floramicro" AND "Florapride". Always checking water level, keeping it a little lower now cause the roots are already in the water and rockin! We changed to an 18/6 lighting cycle, since they are "autoflowering" and they produce more when they are on an 18/6 rather than 12/12. I will update weekly :) My husband is quite the handy man so we made the PC Planter just by copying the one we found on the net, and I think ours is better!!!! Sooooo stealth! Can't wait for these babies to produce!!!!!!

Questions, comments, suggestions????


just some guy
very cool.

what is the ppm on your tap water? I use only tap water, because my tap water is at about 180 ppm. I've never run into any problems doing so.

Better to play it safe though if you dont know, and go with Reverse Osmosis water, or a quality bottled water. I've tested Sparklettes water that came in at 200 ppm, so test your water to be sure.

I'm curious to see how your plants flower. good luck with the grow!:mrgreen:


Active Member
the ppm in our tap water was 290, so we just decided to go with bottled water.... i will definitley keep u up to date :)


just some guy
the ppm in our tap water was 290, so we just decided to go with bottled water.... i will definitley keep u up to date :)
290 is a bit high, so... good call on the bottled water thing. You're going to have a lot of fun watching these plants mature. one of the things to keep in mind will be water temperature, try to keep them at or below 70F. pythium (root rott) is a heart breaker, avoid it at all costs.

It's winter so that shouldnt be an issue hopefully. watch for crazy PH swings as an indicator.

Oh, and try to keep your PH at 5.8, 7 is too high for hydro. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Nice job.

If you plan on budding them out in there as well, I'd recommend training them immediately. Use LST (low stress training)and create a mini such a small set up you want your bottom buds to be as healthy as the tops.

Understand how gravitrophics (sp?) can help you mold your plant into about any shape you want.(not just bending it sideways to get more light to the bottom branches, but focusing growth and energy into those lower braches instead of the top of the plant.).the highest part of the stem will produce the "top" the plant thinks.."hey THIS is the top of the plant and I should focus all energy into it because it's the tallest and getting the most light!" using this method you can actually get your lower bud sites to "catch up" to the top of the plant and you will end up with a more evened out SOG. but training must start asap while the stem/stalk is still very pliable.

hope I helped :P and GL with your grow.


Active Member
We switched out the resovior for a bigger one, we thought the roots were getting way to big for the smaller one. Switched to Floranova bloom, the girls are finally starting to bloom. As small as they are, they smell amazing!!! Check out our pics!:joint:



Active Member
HELP!!!!!!! Our plants grew so fast overnight and are already budding. I need to know if we can tie them down at this point or if it's too late? We have a PC planter and I am afraid the light will burn them if they get too high (no pun intended). HELP!!!!!!


Active Member
HELP!!!!!!! Our plants grew so fast overnight and are already budding. I need to know if we can tie them down at this point or if it's too late? We have a PC planter and I am afraid the light will burn them if they get too high (no pun intended). HELP!!!!!!
didnt you know they grow at least 3 times the height alone during budding? More like 10 times id say. whatd you expect using a 18 inch case that holds not only the light inside but the hydro shit and soil too with a hps light none the less! Ill give you some quick advice. get em out the case.find a nice closet. empty it out for room for the plant and your lil box thing. Bend the stalk of the plant down GENTLY now slow too so it starts to bend. tie that shit down with some wire. turn on light. in a day it will adjust and u can bend it again a lil more.repeat for bout a week. its still gonna grow up unless u tie it down. sorry i about early in the post but dang u shoulda done a lil bit more research. good luck and it can be fixed


just some guy
HELP!!!!!!! Our plants grew so fast overnight and are already budding. I need to know if we can tie them down at this point or if it's too late? We have a PC planter and I am afraid the light will burn them if they get too high (no pun intended). HELP!!!!!!
it's not too late to tie them down, do a search on LST (low stress training) to see some techniques.

You can probably keep them in the case, but it will be difficult, these plants grow fast, and will double or triple in size come time to flower.

Good luck, keep us posted.


Active Member
damn nice lil setup u have there.. what size case did you put them into?
We actually bought a small cabinet from home depot. I'd say its about 3 feet tall and 2 feet wide. It is like a cabinet you'd put small tools in and keep in a garage. We lined the whole think with reflective tape, same as the other one, and its going great!!!!:blsmoke: