Pics of my plant grown in the window(1st time grower)

I was planting a few other things and I had a marijuana seed sitting around so i figured
Id throw it in the soil and see what would happen. Im not sure what strain she is, but shes about 2 weeks into flowering now and shes starting to smell like Skunks and Coffee. How does she look for being grown in a 3rd floor apartment window?


nice looking indica:bigjoint: very nice indeed for a window grow...what direction is she facing?


She is sitting in a south facing window, I think it would have grown better if we had more sun this summer, Its been at least 1 or 2 days of rain every week for the past month and a half


Well-Known Member
She is sitting in a south facing window, I think it would have grown better if we had more sun this summer, Its been at least 1 or 2 days of rain every week for the past month and a half
I was going to say South or North cause the others would simply not be enough light.....thats so cool! maybe if you hung a CFL over it? that would give some nice supplementaion



Active Member
nice plant, Mine spent the first 4 weeks of her life on the windowsil. Sunlight is pretty good shit eh? I have since moved her to a small cupboard with a mere 56W of CFL this was mostly to stop the stretching between nodes as I have one light only 1.5 inches away from the top of the plant.

She's looking very heathy indeed, but maybe you should consider getting some kind of light above her to stop her getting much taller?

+rep for your efforts
I did about 6 weeks of veg, when i started I hadn't done any kind of reading on how to grow, so this has been a big learning experience for me.
I live in Winnipeg Manitoba, Canada
It is actually about a month into flowering now, those pictures are a few weeks old, I just haven't bothered taking any more recent pictures lately, Just been to busy.


Well-Known Member
I see the grower was putting the plant away at night . . . ie: it didn't start flowering by the window light alone, which is what I was actually wondering about. I'm up North and we're still seeing almost 15 hours of actual light, which even most Indica's wouldn't start blooming at.


Active Member
I see the grower was putting the plant away at night . . . ie: it didn't start flowering by the window light alone, which is what I was actually wondering about. I'm up North and we're still seeing almost 15 hours of actual light, which even most Indica's wouldn't start blooming at.
Ahhh, the awesome power of light switches haha :p
Yeah I switched it over to 12/12 when It got to about 2 and a half feet tall, I will post some more pictures tomorrow I woke up late this afternoon and it was time for her to go to sleep so I didn't get a chance to take any pictures.

the whole room its in just stinks like a skunk died in here haha