Pics of Drip System master and bubba kush clones... Couple questions?


Active Member
I'm into my second week working on these clones now all fully rooted.. Got something to get them all at the same level of growth.. The master kush is significantly taller then the bubba kush on the right. Running a drip system with two hoses per plant 15 min three times a day on a 24 light cycle. Temp has been 77 - 87 degrees F with RH of 40 -50. Seems to be working out good so far.

A few of the leaves died on the bottem of the plant during transplantaiton to this drip system but i cut them off cause they were really big and figured it would help promote other growth. Not really sure if that was the right thing to do??? Should i cut right at stem or leave a half inch nub?? (thats what i did)

Also you'll notice in the first picture the roots poked out of the smart pots im am using on the bubba plant middle right. Since being raised out of the tray they seemed to die a lil due to not being moist but should i just cut them off??

Is my watering time appropriate. Does anyone know flowering time on these Kushes. what will finish faster sativa/indica like master Kush mix or indica like bubba kush?




Well-Known Member
i use ti use drip i would let them drip 24/7.......i would cut all lower branches on the bottom they are useless no good buds at all...and i would lower that rez temp to about 63-66 degrees....