Picking An Outdoor Site


Active Member
Really like some insight from anyones experience of things to consider when choosing an outdoor plant site. Never tried growing my own untill recently. Have a few sprouts comming up and looking forward to locating some sites. I have learned a alot just reading many of you guys posts over the past several days. Ordered some seeds but also tried a few I had and are looking good thus far. I live on 36 acres and have a nice row of staggered leyland cyprus tress over 40 feet high that I plantted 13 yrs ago, but its oly 70 yards from my front door. There is mostly hardwoods here with a few small clearing of honeysuckle and briers, some cedars and small pines bunched togather. What do you guys look for in location for any reasons and for camalfloge-ing or concealing them. There is uninhabited land bordering mine in 7 yr pine tress, how do plants grow under or around pines? When you go into the woods what do you consider in picking your spots? Any insight would be greatly appreciated. If I go scouting across the road into unoccupied woods, I would like to know some tips from experience in choosing my locations. Im in Southeastern U.S. mild winters, very warm springs, and hot ass summers.
Really like the indepth info on this site


Active Member
yes, and it is very indepth and I have read over it several times and will a good bit more. I ment to inquire if there were any personal obserservations and lessons learned from veterens out there on tricks and tips in determining an actual spot in the woods to give the plant a home for several months. I especially enjoy reading various hands on opinions here.
Art Vandeliegh
Wildlife Biologist


Well-Known Member
As long as you think no one will wander in to the spot all year,It's a good spot. If it get's good light and water is accessible, It's a good spot.


Well-Known Member
Try and find a location that gets as much light as possible, direct sunlight if you can.

Are you going to put your plants directly in ground or are you gonna use containers?
I would suggest that you put some in ground and some in containers, this way you get the best of both worlds and you will enhance your odds of harvesting boatloads of killer sticky buds.

If the quality of your native soil is unknown … (for in ground plants) have it tested... local agricultural extension office will do this for you at minimum cost or you can buy test kits.

Cooperative Extension System Offices

Good luck:mrgreen:


Active Member
Find a flat clearing with no trees or shubbery around, this ensures 13 hours of direct sunlight a day. Dont plant your babies near any berry bushes, ivy, or any other aggressive fast growing ground cover as they will take over your plant. If you have a creek or river on your property plant about 20-30 feet from the water source, this is important because marijuana roots dont like to sit in water and the water table around natural water sources is usually higher. And depending if your growing in containers or soil there are certain soil conditions you want but they vary depending what your lanting in.