Pick the Problem


Active Member
Hi Stoners,

Can someone please tell me what the brown spot is on my leaf. Its only one spot but want to correct it so it does not spread. And yes i have looked at other similar thread, but i have not fertilzed it - so its not over nutrients.

Ph is correct, its about one month old.

Also - I started with seedling soil - now the plant is about 15cm high in a cup size - Should i now re pot it into a larger pot - using diffrent soil high in nitrogen/ peat/ compost soil mix ( Amgrow - Australian brand soil). Or should iwait abit.

Can the plant be left in the sun after repotting - its not that hot in autsralia at the moment- warm to cool weather - about 24 degrees celcius. Or should i repot it at night.

Has anyone heard of seasol - i was advised to add seasol to it once i repot it for root stimulation.

Thanks in Advance

