(Pic) is this a PH problem?


Well-Known Member
unless my ph pen is fucked the ph has been around 6.0 - 6.9 please help. my plants been in flower for around a week and a bit now i have been using tap water feeding with nutes only small amounts. bio bizz soil



Active Member
looks like an overnute, those tips are pointing down correct? ph problems always turn my leaves over, twisting themselves.

I call this "the claw" classic overnute.


Active Member
i see your using tap water...... alot of people use it, but i recomend using R/O water. you can get it for 25 cents a gallon at those dispensors in front of the grocery store, it may help your plants to thrive. dont think thats the problem but just a pointer. tap water has alot of additives in it, as well as a high ppm. people let it sit out overnight to let the chlorine evaporate, but theres still other stuff in it.

oh also, might want to raise your R/H a bit too. im between 40-60%


Well-Known Member
thanks for the advice m8 i just gave it some water yesterday ph 6.3 it seems to have perked up a bit still some dameged leaves im gonna give it just pure water for a few more days and see how it goes from their.