Phosphorus deficiency??


Well-Known Member
also i live in washington and it has been freezing here, i use cold water and lately that is really cold could using 40F water be causing issues?


Active Member
That could be an actual deficiency, or a pH lockout type of scenario, or an excess of one nutrient making another unavailable. .

not kept up to snuff on this thread but I would assume the same. :)

{edit}ok, skim read - are you re-using the same soil and using tap water? The tap water will throw your pH crazy and a build-up of calcium carbonate (tap water) will lock you out... Put some ammonia based salt fertilizer in it and use filtered water, adjust to pH 6.5 and flush with half-strength fertilizer.. It looks like you have a lock-out. This is how you fix your roots - wait 1 week for a return.

~ stop using tap water. ;) it might work for a minute while you are using a brand new soil, the soil will prevent the calcium carbonate build-up. Are you re-using your soil.? ;) ..after a cycle, the soil will not prevent calcium carbonate lock-out.


Well-Known Member
no i dont reuse or recycle me medium.. i used to but that was before my perpetual garden now its just too much medium and not enough time to fix it.. i have been using some pretty hard tap water around 400 ppm. r u suggesting i use something like epsom salts?
thanks for getting back to me but in the mean time i went out and bought 10 gal of distilled water at 6.9 ph then added the ph perfect at close to recommended dose and watered as normal they seem to be responding well but we will have to see.. btw im ordering a r.o. system this weekend does anyone have any input on a good product for cannabis? im using around 40 - 50 gal every 5 days


Active Member
oh yeah, tap water @ 400ppm is some rough stuff. :) The plants don't absorb all of that calcium carbonate stuff in the tap water and it is a natural, slightly alkaline additive. Cannabis plants don't like the calcium carbonate b/c it will literally begin to raise the soil pH, throw off the organisms which depend on a slightly acid condition and block absorption of N-P-K. Think of it like this.. Get a large glass bowl and fill it with tap water, after it dries, look at the film of white crap stuck to the glass bowl. That shit is like chalk on your roots..

R.O. filters are great! They usually cost (at my last shopping) about $150 or so and 5-10 gallons a day on a new system is no problem. - Make sure you have good water pressure at your house. I choose a slightly more hippie approach. I have rain gutters which collect the rain water from the roof and it fills a swimming pool.. lol.. I know it sounds funny but let me assure you, the water is fk`ing perfect!!! My rez is 100% organic teas and I use rain water to fill it. The pH NEVER moves... ever! :) ..Citric acid and some ele sulfur.

make sure you give them time to recover, don't add more water until it dries the medium a little. Regarding the epsom salt comment, I do not see anything I would assume could be resolved with epsom salts (magnesium sulfate).

I would assume your soil has been staying too wet with Tap water, and flushings, ect.. The roots are not taking. I like using cior/perlite. I fertilize with every watering of rain water, ect..


Well-Known Member
hmm i like the rain water idea seeing as how i live in the pacific north west near seattle wa.. so i get plenty of rain. how do you make sure you are keeping moss/mold spores and other debri and such out ??

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