
Active Member
Just got a PH tester for my water. The only thing the garden stores around my area dont carry PH up or down. The only place I could find it is in a pool store. Do they use the same stuff for the pool water and for water used for plants. What is a good PH for the water? When I start messing around with ppe measurements what reading am i looking for. What should water be that i use for the plants. Thanks for any help.


New Member
A PH of 7.0 is fine for soil growing. The lower PH figures you see on these forums, 5.2 - 5.8 for example is intended for hydroponics.



Active Member
My water ph is 7.5 (Tab Water). How much of a difference is an 100th of a digit to the plants? I have been looking all over the place for PH up and down. None of the garden stores carry it. I found a fish and pet store that sells it. Do you use the same kind of ph up and down for fish tanks, swimming pools, and growing? Or is there a different kind for each. Thanks for all the help