PH Up And Down Organically


the PH of my well water is around 8 is that ok for flushing? and reg watering? can someone list organic nutrients that make ph go up and down?


Well-Known Member
If you have a soil grow, you can add limestone to your potting mix. This will effectively lower your pH, which is what you need. Your pH should ideally drop to between 6 and 7.


Active Member
Baking soda raises your pH and vinegar lowers your pH. Not sure how much you need of either, but just a few drops should work per gallon


Active Member
Lately I have been using lemon juice and beer. I was supprised to see the beer help lower the ph...Im not sure why ...maybe Im high.


Well-Known Member
Lime, baking soda and woodash are all good for raising the ph. Vinger, lime or lemon juice will lower the ph. If your well water is running at 8 you are too sweet in your soil. If you want a truly organic solution try oak leaves or pine straw in your water. Get a ph tester to test your water. If you have a barrel fill it up with water and put the leaves or pine straw in and then moniter the ph until it is lowered to about 6.5 to 7 for a soil grow. Good luck with your grow.