Ph problems. Need help. Plus repp!


Well-Known Member
I checked the PH of my soil and its 5.5! I went to the pet store and found some Tetra correct ph 7.0 tabs. You add one to ten gallons of water and corrects the ph. If I correct the ph of the water will it help with my soil ph? Oh BTW it is miracle grow potting soil 6 month feed. Thanks for any advice. I will repp every one!!

Peace and Pot!


Well-Known Member
I would have tried a little baking soda in the water. like 1/8 tsp to a gal. lil goes along way. soil is heck of a buffer, but either will help


Well-Known Member
I would have tried a little baking soda in the water. like 1/8 tsp to a gal. lil goes along way. soil is heck of a buffer, but either will help
baking soda will result in salt buildups causing lockout even if your pH is perfect. you need to flush often with that. i suggest going to the aquarium section and buying "pH up" and "pH down" for fishtanks. adjust pH of your water after you add nutes.

but man miracle grow 6month feed will fuck up your seedlings, get them in regular potting soil. dont fertilizer if u keep them in that, but IMO they will show signs of problems within 2-3weeks if not earlier in miracle grow 6month feed


Well-Known Member
The plants are a month into flower. I bought the ph up and down also just incase. Baking soda??? 1/8 tsp to a gal. Will that help raise the ph and fix any nute lockout ?? Also fixing ph will help bud growth right?? I also have 2-3 week old seedlings that is showing some burning. Is there any way to neutralize the fertilizer in the MG soil???
Sorry for all the questions. This is my first time dealing with nute burn and ph problems. I will plus repp you all!!!!


Well-Known Member
baking soda will raise the ph, as far as diluting the mg soil,,add 25 % perilte helps alot. I use the starter stuff for seeds and cuttings.


Well-Known Member
Will it raise the soils ph??? not just the waters ph. I cant add perilite to the flowering plants. I did add vermiculite and perilite before transplanting the seedlings. They are still burning though???


Well-Known Member
If you correct the pH of the water of course it will correct the soil pH.

If the problem is severe, do a flush with the pH'd water. 7 is still a little too high. i like it to be in the 6.5 area.

If you plan on growing again, dump the miracle grow.

funk ya

Hello ~ growers underground has a 'ph manifesto' technical read sort of, but this info is priceless .... ph ~ 3 things affect it, soil, water, and your NUTES ! are you using m. grow ? drop it like a rock man ! If your having ph issues I recomend Andvanced Nutrients Sensi~Grow/Bloom A and B (simple two part fertilizer). Plants create the own ph, they are ph factories. If your using m. grow then thats a problem for its not made for the plants we grow. A.N. has developed sensi~grow/bloom base fertilizers around the fact plants produce there own ph, and the nutrients effects what ph the plant makes ! If your soil is off (mine was) and you use sensi~grow/bloom it will stablize your soil, because the plant will be producing ph, in the correct range... its a trip, but read the ph manifesto and be ready to really understand ph and how to control it. Dude, it reversed my plants ph issues in two waterings! its not just the ph of the soil, or water, its the nutes! plants produce there own ph... right food, ph gets ballanced. hope that helps, I was in the same spot!


Well-Known Member
Im not using any other fertilizers just soil and water. I dont want to burn them worse. I used the ph'd water and the leaves are starting to yellow and burning within 24 hours. They are a month and a week into flower. It could be coincidence though. Any advise???

Los Muertos

Active Member
Add some dolomitic lime. Make sure to crush it first; it takes forever to do anything otherwise. Crush it to a powdery
consistency, sprinkle it as evenly as possible over the soil surface and water thoroughly with phd 7.0. Use about 1tbsp
per gallon of soil. You may have to use a bit more, but that's a good starting point. I had pretty much the same problem
and that was the only thing I ever got to work. Mine was 4.8, but is a stable 6.6 now. Next time add the lime before you
plant. Good thing about lime is it's really hard to go overboard and even if you do, it'll never raise it above 7.0. You can
dissolve lime in water @ 1tsp per quart too. Might have to do it a few times that way though. Trying to raise the soil's ph
just by raising the water's ph is a waste of time imo. Not saying it can't be done, but you'll be chasing that .1 of ph for
weeks. Throw some lime on it and save yourself some time. It'll work. Good luck..hope you get it sorted.