Ph problem need help

chris olson

i tested my ph before watering (6.5) now my soil is an 8 and plant look a little crappy. how should i lower my soil ph


Active Member
always test the pH of water before you water, us pH down to get your water ph at 6.5-7. then water.

if you cant get ph down, vinegar works aswell.


Well-Known Member
Add anything thats acidic. Vinegar works great, or concentrated lime juice in the small neon green plastic bottles from the grocery store used for making mixed drinks:] fresh lemons.. fresh limes.. etc.


Well-Known Member
What are you using to test your pH?

Hope it's not one of those soil meters with the probes. They are seldom accurate.



Active Member
i tested my ph before watering (6.5) now my soil is an 8 and plant look a little crappy. how should i lower my soil ph
you didnt mention if you added any nutes as that will usually raise your ph. in any case adjust your water lower than 6.5 until your soil runoff is arpund 6.5-6.8. what kind of soil are you using? rich soil can accomplish both of your issues.