PH of water is really low

Dr. Skunk Bud

Active Member
I have a old shower down in my basement that I use to draw water for my grow. I have found that the PH of this water ranges from 5.0-5.5. Should I even use this water? I have read that ph can be affected from old pipes and such. I mean pure drinking water is supposed to be 7.0 Is the water from the shower to dangerous to use?


Well-Known Member
If you can access the pipe from where it connects to your hot water heater and disconnect it without unsoldering anything (which is rare) then you can throw some CLR or vinegar through it and then reconnect and flush the lines for a little.

Also if your filling directly from the shower head then you should hit that with CLR or vinegar as well because that could be causing a ph problem.

If you do all that and its still about the same then just do as stated above and add ph up, or you could get a reverse osmosis filter and run the water through there.

You will probably still need ph up because pure RO water is usually pretty acidic.