Ph dropping in Rez Root Rot?


Well-Known Member
i am having some problems with my tank. the ph keeps dropping and i have to adjust with ph up or barricade. Now i have changed out the water in the res and cleaned everything and am running plain RO water and H2O2 for 24 hrs now and the ph did drop again with just water. What should i do? i am in week 6 out of 10. There seems to be growth but not drastic like usual. any help is appreciated.
Post up pics of your plants. If pH is dropping, it would show up on the leaves first. If you have root rot, I don't think it's because of the pH balance. Chances are it's because of the temperature. do you have pics of your root zone?


Well-Known Member
ok i got some pics up and the rez temp is 19c during the day and 17 during the night. i took pics of the roots althoguh it was with a phone the pics kind of sucks. the roots are that orangish color and they are growing so thats a good thing. just need a fix for my ph dropping in my tank. i changed the water its on plain ro water and im going to be adding the micro and bloom today and the additives tomorow.
Yeah, those pics aren't very clear. It doesn't look as though the water is draining properly. Looks like you have some standing water along with the temps which may be causing your problems. Your roots don't seem rotted but they do seem slimy. The only thing helping is that it's draining as much water as it can. Find a way to drain it better and fix that system for next run.

What temps are you running in the environment? It could be that the ambient heat it heating up the air in root zone and the nutrients. How is your ventilation, air intake and exhaust?

LIttle Jimmy

Active Member
At first when I looked at your pics I thought it was heat stress but I see that your temps are ok....So I would say that is a PH problem....My plants do best when they are PH between 6 and 6.5 but I suppose other strains are different.