ph drop


Active Member
Should I lower the ph of distilled water to 6.5 or is it fine at 7 for soil? If I should lower it then what household chem can I use and how much for a gallon to drop it a half a point? how many drops of lemon juice would it take to drop a gallon of distilled a half of a point without having to mix and test? I have no tester and I just need a rough estimate.


Active Member
i see. thanx. anyone ever tested a drop or two or something in a gallon or some amount to get a good idea of how much difference it makes?

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
7 won't do. check out this chart and look at what nutes aren't available at that rate. without some sort of way to measure it, there's no way to know how many drops it will take to lower it.