PH And PPM Issue Fluctuations and Plant Consumption

George W.

The plants are growing well however I am noticing some spotting on the larger fan leaves on some of the plants. I have done some research and come to the conclusion that the problem is due to PH. I was keeping my PH around 6.0 and things were fine however a few days ago I noticed the spots. I have been trying to keep my ph down now to around 5.6 to see if the problem goes away.

I also have noticed that my ppm continues to drop daily with the water. Is this normal? I am now keeping it around 750 but I think that might be too low for the size of the plant and this might be why the plants are slowing in growth. Should I raise the ppm to around 1000 or wait to see if the problems correct themselves with the ph adjustment before I add any more nutes?

I am just wondering how much ppm drops from day to day and if its due to consumption by the plant or a buildup in my soilless medium. Please if anyone has any suggestions about what I should do please reply.

If you feel you need more info to help you can read a detailed version of what I have been doing in my grow journal under George W. Grow.

George W.