pH and PPM in and out. Having problems. Pictures.

Capt. Caveman

New Member
So there is a problem here, and anyone who knows how to help is appreciated.LankyJ.7.10.Grow.jpgSproutlings.Grow.jpgYellow.Thai.Grow.jpg

At first there weren't any measuring instruments to use. The soil is a kind of mystery bag got a garden shop in far away land where it's tough to read the writing for an English speaker, so no idea what its pH is or whats in it. Ammended with a small amount of bat guano worm castings and some super small sized hydroton because there was no perlite to be found. There was no dolomite to start, and there isn't any yet in the soil, but no there is some that could be used when they get transplanted or maybe to sprinkle on top of the soil and watered in to these starter cups if that would help?

The tap is a little base, but was using that at first and the one big plant was growing, but that plant came from someone who had it in a different soil from their garden. Now on RO water that is pH6 with a ppm of 10.

Testing the water going in and coming out of the pots.
water in for the last week has been pH 6, ppm 10. The water out has been around pH 8.5 and the ppms 400 plus
Realized the tap was dirty when tested it is at a ppm around 300 most the time. Had a nasty burn when a tiny amount of 15 15 15 was added to ten gallons of tap before testing was an option, seriously less than a tablespoon of the stuff, overnight things was fairly fried. That was a while ago, and all these little sprouts have been hanging on, but just barely, and they yellow and die about as fast as they are growing.

If any of you good Loraxes can help out with some info?