

Well-Known Member


My Snowshoe Lewis (isn't he the cutest he is also my baby)

You mess with me Henry will bite you in the butt.

One more Henry. Isn't he cute. He is a rescue dog.

And Plie. The Walmart kitty. She is the ruler of the house. What she wants she gets. She bosses the dogs around.


Well-Known Member
I knew we had good taste. Bet I have more cat furniture. Hehehehehehe

Got mine (most of it) on ebay. LOL


Well-Known Member
Wow dude...I missed this. You're pretty brave. I wanna see pics of the monitor!
brave??? me?? noway. ima big ole chicken. when i find my cam ill get some pics up. the monitor is about 3' counting the tall. i had a friend that raised them and i got 1 fresh outa the egg. it still had the yolk sack n all. it is a trip. it goes bananas when it sees X-mas lights.
and the gator is maybe 2'. it came up about the end of feb and never went away. i dont jack with it much, but it hasnt tried to bite at any1 at the shop yet. there is a small creek out behind the shop that it lives in but comes up when we go out to smoke. its all cute and funny now but with the way its eating that will all change soon.


Well-Known Member
Oh those pups are soooooo cute. They are precious.

Just wait til they have their first pig's ear. Dogs love those but man dog the stink.


Well-Known Member
lmao i just got so dizzy watching that last link in your sig. fdd. thats as good as huffin water base paint. but not quite up to oil base. lol


Elite Rolling Society
This is Pete. He loves pot seed as a treat but we dont have any extra seed around here since we started growing sensi!
We also have a 55 gallon tropical fish tank and we raise zebra finches.
We don't have any dogs or cats, but I used to raise pit bulls. We live in the woods. Now We put out two quarts of dried corn daily, and two quarts of dry dog food in our back yard everyday, and we have several families of deer, two different families of foxes and raccoons and possums by the dozens EVERYNIGHT. AND THEY ALL GET ALONG WITH EACH OTHER. The foxes, raccoons and possums will eat together, side by side. We also have a few armadillos too but they dont eat the corn or dogfood. They dig up my sodded yard hunting grub worms. They are big pests but we tolerate them.


Well-Known Member
Margo appears to be helping you super crop. Your plant is missing some leaves hmmmm my diagnosis you have some type of critter that is eating them. Maybe Margo will help track it down. LOL

Skunk your dog looks so serious. Is that his job to guard the door to the grow room? What is his name?


Well-Known Member
this is just one male plant.but she likes my growbox i keep close all the time.


Well-Known Member
Choda-- she is 3 years old, very mild mannered, she can sit, shake, (both paws), lie down and play dead, as long as theres treats involved. She also understands the word ouch!!!

Jack-- less than 1 year. We took him in new years day after he was up in a tree through a snowstorm and 3 days following. As a result he is missing an inch or 2 from his tail, and had very frostbittin pads. He great now, stays outside most of the time. great hunter.

Jack and Choda are huge into jujitsu, here jack is ready to shoot into a mount position.

Cujo-- He is our little anole lizzard, he lives in our grow room and eats crikets and fungus gnat's.

Also have a bunch of fish and a 6 foot ball python, could't find ne pics tho.

