Peruvian torch


Well-Known Member
I just recently got some dried cactus ships for incense, 118 Grams to be exact of T. peruvianus. Now I know I have tried pachanoi cactus before and had mild but nice effects from 15 inches. I was wondering if anyone had dosage information on this plant? I heard people getting nice effects from 10 grams and an MAOI, but most people going higher up to 30-45 grams. What would people suggest as a trip of this stuff? (let it be known I have had pachanoi twice with mild effects and HBWR several times with mild effects with one time being mind blowing). I am looking for a real good experience something mind blowing and healing.

So overall, what's a good dosing scheme?


Well-Known Member
yeah Id say 40 to 60mg, but honestly if I were you I'd look up how to do an extraction, most online teks are for working with dried material anyway.
You need like citric acid from the baking section, you could use limes but the acid is cleaner, water, about a cup of xylene or limolene(orange oil) and like 5 drops of muratic pool acid.
Its pretty horrible when that stuff binds with water again in your stomach and swells up.

With mescaline I'm much more worried about under doseing than over doseing, but I always suggest haveing a series of experiences with incrementaly increasing doses. It starts getting serious fun past 500mg, but not everyone can handle that as a first time.


Well-Known Member
Well I wasn't necessarily talking about doing an extraction per se.. but I do have a good tek written down on paper somewhere. I don't think there would be much yield from 118 grams anyway. I was looking more for a "spiritual" trip which the added chemicals in the cactus itself gives you. And I really don't want to powder it and cram it into gelcaps. I don't have time to stuff 100 "00" caps. I have always been curious as to what pure extraction would be like though..

Do you think it would have a more "visual" trip if I used crystals?

Maybe i'll just powder the whole thing down and throw it into OJ and chug it. I remember doing the pedro tea/juice and had a very HARD time drinking the whole litre I had.. I told myself when I finished "never again!" and I remember it quite clearly.


Well-Known Member
extracting it will allow you to get a measured dose.
its realy easy and avoids the stomach discomfort to a large extent. I reccon you could get at least a gram out of that.