

Well, I had been stressing about things I cannot control, like what so-and-so might do next to upset the family, and over things like the nuclear power situation and debate. Life gets tedious, and sometimes it seems awfully scary.
But I have pushed my 'reset' button again, I have reminded myself of that all important truth, there is nothing to fear.
The worst thing that we can imagine for ourselves is the loss of those we love, or the death of our own biological bodies, and what everyone needs to realize is that biological life is a renewable resource, (throughout the universe.) and that which dwells within is eternal, the I-ness, the self aware being. I closed my eyes and watched as the mushroom goddess revealed to me once again that primordial soup, swirling, churning, sinking in and bubbling up, giving rise to enfolding and out pouring of that which was, is, and that which is yet to be. And it's exciting to me to imagine things unknown, to think the yet un-thought, to experience emotions yet un-felt, to meet and interact with beings of greater mind and lesser mind. Fear limits our experience, fear is a prison cell that keeps one isolated, afraid to try new things, and afraid to speak their mind. We struggle to have control over every aspect of our lives, we want to change what we do not like, we want to be in control of every experience we have. But we cannot control all of that, we have trouble even trying to control our own thoughts and emotions.
Free will is innate in all of us, and even as young children it is apparent that we do not like being limited by some controlling factor that promises punishment if we do not comply. And free will gives no-one the right to infringe on the free will of another. Telling children to do this and don't do that, does not teach them anything. (only makes them resentful.) It is best to set up the experience, let them make their own choices and learn from that experience. It is through trial and error that we learn, not through being forced or threatened to behave a certain way.
When I say we create our own realities, I do not mean to suggest that we control it. What we do is make choices in how we respond to it. No experience can be construed to be good or bad perse, because the more one experiences, the more one is able to understand everyone and everything. So what people need to realize is that in the universe we're in, there is cause and effect, and everything we do is going to come back to us, regardless of our reasons for our actions. This we know as Karma, the idea that what goes around comes around, what you do to another will be done to you, what you do to the earth will come back to you, what you sow, so you will reap. So many will say, "well this happened to me and I did nothing to deserve it." They may indeed have no recollection of ever doing such a thing, but the reality is that we are eternal beings, and though we may consciously have no recollection of a past life, we no doubt at one time or another have done something that has brought it back to us. And it is always for the good and betterment of ourselves, (whether we see it or not,) that everything comes back to us. To me, this is far more likely than a system of right and wrong, or some record keeping God in the clouds waiting to punish or reward, because the records are here, within me, and I know that everything I do is going to come back to me, so I will be far more careful what I do, because the reality is, what I do to another, I do also to myself, which is far more exacting than a system of right and wrong. So what I want to do is create a better future for myself, perpetually. (eternally.)
O.K. Well, I just felt like sharing what I think I know with anyone whom I think may listen and comprehend.


wow ... il admit that i also share them thoughts while on pills or acid but my brain wont let me remember them after minutes ha
christ we hit a deer on friday night and i only remembered yesterday when i seen my friends landrover with a few scratches .... insane how drugs can skullfuck the minor details