person of the week

jeff f

New Member
if anyone happens to catch chris wallace fox news sunday make sure you check out the person of the week. it might be called power player of the week or somehting like that, but its the very last segment of the show and its worth recording to watch it.

now that is charity and the american spirit hard at work.

God bless the good doctor.


Active Member
That's very informative, dude....thank you. Maybe you should leave out all those pertinent details next time you make a post, though. Wouldn't want to make it too easy for people to know what you're talking about.


jeff f

New Member
That's very informative, dude....thank you. Maybe you should leave out all those pertinent details next time you make a post, though. Wouldn't want to make it too easy for people to know what you're talking about.

couldnt find a link or i would have provided it. i think the only way to see it is to record and watch it.

basically, an inner city doc gets tired of sewing up shooting victims in the inner city and starts a program to help educate thugs, and help them to get into a normal lifestyle and leave the gang bangers. all done out of charity. program has proven results.

and the most important thing, it doesnt extort money from a farmer in iowa already struggling to make it.


Active Member
Sorry for giving you a hard time.

The guys name is Carnell cooper and this is an initiative of the UMM hospital, so it probably does get some public funding from the state if not necessarily the feds.

But props to the guy either way.