Persian White Poppies (DWC, and Soil)

Hello, I have some persian white poppies growing, they are about 2 weeks old.

I started them in a jiffy greenhouse in pet pucks, they sprouted in about 3 days, at which point I moved them under a slanted ceiling skylite which recieves lots of sun.. The stem seem to be elongating to much so I prewetted some new pet pucks and transplanted 6 of 16, putting the stem deep, leaving just the leaves showing. The other 10 I transplanted in jiffy cups, leaving about a cm of stem exposed, with a soil mix of 1 part perlite, 1 part vermiculite, 1 part peat, and 1 part moisture retaining soil with plant food mixed good for 6 months. Then I placed all plants in a small tinfoiled cupboard, with a 35 inch long flouresnt light.

They all seem to be growing, just slow, I have them on a 12/12 light schledule and almost all plants have 6-7 small leaves, but none that look like cabbage. Its usually room temp at night and above that during the lighting period, possibably 25 - 27+ degree celius . They get misted daily, and when soil seems real dry I gently pour water around the outside of the plant.

I also stabbed a bunch of holes all around the jiffy cups before transplanting to help with drainage and root development once transplanted to bigger 10 inch + pots.

My question is regarding to temp and light, am I keeping the area to warm, should I try cooling in some way like a small fan. And is the small flouresent light enough to keep growing till conditions outside are suitable, pending they dont out grow the space. Also I heard poppies like cooler climates, can i transplant them outside when the temp is around 10-15 degree celius or would it stunt and shock them coming from a warmer indoor area.


Active Member
Im so STOKED to have found this thread!!! I usually just sit and read....been growin weed for 10 years... this will be a new challenge! I need seeds! Whats the best and strongest strains to grow?!?! I am 33% disabled for life...this can help me off all those F'IN Pills!!!!!! I found these on ebay is that safe and ok?


Active Member
I want to make sure I have the best poppy strains... I hear the Tasmanian Purples are basically the most potent? I want to do this indoors as seems all I will need to do in So Cal is set up a 5x5 tent with a 600 w and maybe i will build a 5x5 raised bed in there 24'' high and plant a bunch of poppys...would it be worth the space? Especially since veg is 12/12 couldnt I expect to harvest every couple months? Im just wondering how much opium I might get...I know I can use the pods after too but I have no idea what these yields are like and which strains are a must grow. If you have grown a lot of weed this should be something easily done right? It also seems after my reading they like rich soil...would it be good to just bust a good 2 or 3 bags of Fox Farms Ocean Forrest with 1 bag light warrior for aeration and then grow in pots or a raised bed? I really want to do this...even if I only get a minimal amount if meds for personal use. If anyone can give me some pointers on any of my questions...especially a safe place to find some good seeds that would be great. I have been a member here a long time... I just never post much...and actually have not been on in a while. I have been a strong active member on another site identical to this one but i do not want to mention out of respect which one. Thanks in advance!!!! I hope to be able to get these in my empty beds!!! Perfect time of year in LA!!!!


you are unreal man this is great work ,im getting a plot ready for spring at the minute ,i hope the weather is good in ireland this spring ,im gona plant some tasmanians and gigtanims and some china whites ,also gona grow alittle weed inside soon if i need some help will you advice me as it will be my first grow ,you sound like a cool chap ...peace and good work with the poppys class work bro.....:)


Thanks for the rep everyone.

Yes the pod if first found at the top of the plant but as it mature you will start to see more of them further down the plant. As soon as my lights kick on in a hours Ill take a picture of the beginging of another pods so you can see what Im taking about.

For harvesting you can either just let them grow and die and then make tea or you can lance the pods. Lancing the pod means slicing it. To do this if you've never done it before the best method would be to use a razor blade. Hold the pod in one hand(carefull not to bend it from the stem to much or it can break off), and with the other hand hold the razor. Take the corner of the razor and put it on the pod. Then LIGHTLY press the corner of the razor into the pod until you see the opium start to come out. It will look just like milk. Once it starts to come out then keep that depth and SLOWLY and CAREFULLY take the razor blade up the pod or across it(it doesn matter what direction). I personally like going from down to up cause I find it easier to scrape off the pod but thats just me. The trick is is not to go to deep. The poppy pod consists of two layers which the opium is between and all you wanna do is cut the top layer. If you cut the second layer the opium will go into the middle of the pod. So if you make a cut and at first there was opium coming out and then it starts dissapearing well you know youve gone to deep at some popint. If you make a cut and just little pin dots of opium are coming out you'll gone to shallow(scratched the surface) To shallow isnt a big deal. Anyways lance a pod on three sides of it and wait two days between cuts. After making the cuts just let it sit overnight and it will dry up to a reddish brow color. Then take a razor and lick it to use for scrapping th opium. Licking it keeps the opium from sticking to it. Now you have raw opium
keep this info coming bro this is really cool work ...:)


Active Member
I've been doing this for about 20 years now. Growing poppies that is.

I prefer tea to milking them. When you milk them you get latex sap full of sugars. Smoking it works but not as well as tea. Raw sap is generally refined a bit more. Funny enough there is a CIA white paper available on the web that outlines the process in detail.

I Take 10 - 12 dried pods. Remove the seeds. Grind to fine powder in coffee grinder. Bring a couple quarts of water to boil. Toss in your powder. Lower heat immediately to a soft simmer for couple mins. Turn off heat and let steep. Strain and guzzle a pint. Wait about 30 - 45 mins and you'll feel the warmth start crawling up the back of your spine. You will be roasted for a good 8 - 10 hours.

DO NOT guzzle more. You can OD on this stuff. It is NOT to be taken lightly. It IS addictive. It also comes in increasingly strong waves when you drink it. Be careful and give it respect.

If you have a week stomach you may end up puking for a couple hours.

Please be careful with it. It is not to be trifled with.


i will gladly fly from ireland bro and help you sow that acre and we will go into production ..LOL..i have to wait for spring to come until i can sow over here ...i didnt think poppys grew well inside you guys are growing them hydro right ...could you please tell me the basics of this as i never done any of this before with poppys or weed planning to plant about 300 plants in spring ,do u think that will be to much for me to tend myself ..i have a really cool spot on a fram that my brother bought and there is a river beside it to get water from and nice slopes for drainage i will post pics when i start ,iwas reading about outside weed seeds as well but i dont know about our summers..but there is plenty of luck wit poppys here from wat i read on the web...i have a spare room in my house were i live alone ,i chased my girlfriend lol and i would grow inside but know nothing about inside growing so any help would be greatly appreicated ...thanks bro for your really cool thread ,stumbled on here and i,ve been glued to it since ..cheers...


nice one thanks for the reply ,i dont think theres much chance of me falling over im on the last stages of a buprenorphine programme so not really gona take anything ,but gona set up a garden for spring ,im back in ireland now but i lived in newyork for 12 years in the bronx and had a few friends upstate who used to grow poppys ...well take care if i need help ill give you a shout keep up the good work peace ....:)


Well-Known Member
Fresh out of prison...again. Only 5-6 months to go till its harvest time, hopefully. Ya see I went out to two separate gardens Nov. 2011 and broadcasted somewhere in the neighborhood of 13,000-15,000 seeds in one garden and an additional 25,000-27,000 seeds in the other, all seeds were Persian Whites(my personal favorite). Anyways I started those two gardens with the intention of being able to go out to them around may/june 2012 and harvest my opium. But NOPE! I was out on bond for a case and I thought that I could just go to court and get my case continued for at least a few months so I would be out for opium harvest in late spring and weed harvest in the fall. But I ended up going to a court date and the states attorney offered my a plea deal of 2 years in prison and taking my $7,500 bond as fines/court costs. Which I was still gonna say no to the deal(even though its the minimum you can get on a class 3 felony in illinois)so I could stay out and make both harvests and that way my wife and son would be more than good money wise. But while I was at court and my lawyer was telling me the states attorneys offer I happened to look down at the writen offer and noticed a error on the paper. The states attorneys office messed up. They credited me all the days I was out on bond towards my sentence. I should have only had 1 day of county time credit in cause I bailed out the same day I was arrested. So when I saw on the paper that they were giving me 159 days of credit by mistake I said screw it lets do it. I figured I better take the deal then and there instead of the states attorneys office having more time and realizing they messed up. So off a two year sentence in Illinois you only do a year(your time get cut in half unless your in for violence, sex, or class X drug cases). So all in all I just had to go give them about 7 months. But anyways enough about all that shit. Since I didnt get to harvest this past spring Im hoping that they may grow again this spring. Poppies can sometimes tend to grow and spread like weeds given the right conditions. Since they grew this past spring and were never harvested they just die and dry out. When the pod dries it can crack open itself or a deer walk on the pod and crack it open or whatever and the seeds are so small they can get blown around a bit in the wind, hard rain, etc. Ive grown poppies once in the drainage/irrigation ditches that run throughout corn fields and wouldnt ya know it I was driving down the country road one day that runs along one of the cornfields and sure as shit there are all these white and purple poppies growing right there next to the road. It must have rained and washed the water and seeds down the ditches through the fields to the actual ditch along the road and the seeds took and grew. But who knows I'll keep you all posted. I may start a new thread about a synthetic opioid I'm thinking of whipping up in the lab. If so I'll post the link on this thread cause I'm going to keep this one going anyways for all you poppy growers. Anyways its late, I'm tired, and I'm going to bed to wake up my wife and get weird...yea right shes gonna be pissed cause I told her I'd be right there.....7 hours ago. Oh well what ya gonna do?


Well-Known Member
what can you harvest from a 5x5 room?
I can imagine the rest of your life in prison if you get caught no joke. but too OP how much opium you getting from one plant? I may grow a few just to try some real opium I've only had the fake ass red rock and fake ass black tar that was suppose to be the real shit. lol, I've smoked dope before and that's buy far my favorite way to do dope I've even booted it but I'd still rather smoke the shit pretty much why I want too try the real deal opium. I just can't really find out how many I'll need too harvest for a good day or two.


Well-Known Member
100milligrams per plant i think he said lol was like 4 grams for the 4 x 4 room, in theory. i never got past germ stage, blizzard knocked out power for a few days and all my seedlings died. but one day ill try again. love me some fine opium!!
2cimda, you still around bud? I've been reading this post for about the last year off and on. This post is the whole reason I joined this site. I has a little field growing after reading your post and learning from it, BUT WOULDN'T YA KNOW.........The fucking flood came and wiped out EVERYTHING! Bullshit! So now I gotta start over. I've got serious health problems like you too, RA, UC, and, herniated discs in my lower back. I've been seeing a pain doc for 3 or 4 years, but it don't matter how much pain meds they give me, it never seems to be enough. So I want to try the tea thing and see if that helps me to not take so many pain meds. Anyway dude, we seem a lot alike. I've been in the joint for selling pot back in 2000, but I haven't been back since. What the hell did they catch ya up with this time?


Well-Known Member
Yep I'm still here kicking. Been working out in the field the past 2 weeks and finally just finished a couple days ago. It was a late harvest this year due to the cold spring. Anyways my most recent time to prison was for straight bullshit. I got a fake $20 bill somewhere. When I went to the bar to meet a friend I ordered a drink and the bartender said it was a fake bill. I apologized and gave him a different bill. I thought that was the end of it. Well 4 months later the cops came for me. I ended up getting a 2 year sentence for it and they took my $6,500 in bond as a fine. My lawyer said the case was shit and the only reason I was even charged was cause of my past felonies. I wanted to take it to trial but I could've gotten up to 10 years because of my past. So when they offered me the minimum, 2 years, I still said no but then my lawyer pointed out that the state messed up and where going to count the time I was out on bond towards my sentence. I was on bond for just under 6 months. So with the 2 year sentence in Illinois I would normally have to do 1 year. Since the counted the time I was out on bond I just had to do 6 months and 1 week. So I took the time.

Well that sucks you lost your garden to flooding. You could plant some more. You will get small poppies but at least its something. If you have any questions feel free to ask and I'll help you out as much as possible. Take care and be safe