Perry vs Paul


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think Perry shot his foot off last night. My Republican father got to see him for the first time and he used the word Kook to describe him. I think Romney just has to hold on at this point. Not sure how much enthusiasm Mitt can generate in the General though. Hard to see the Tea crowd rally behind him.

Beer 30 - Cheers!

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
I don't know if this incident is going to heard about in another week. I've found two mentions of it and another website that claims to have more pictures says "Forbidden" when I try to open the page.
If this doesn't gain traction, it will just be another "ignore anything Ron Paul" ploy.
If he had confronted Romney like that, it would be at the top on all the so-called news channels.

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member
A spokesman for Mr. Perry said Thursday it was a policy conversation, not a heated exchange.

“The governor and the congressman talked about border security. It was a cordial conversation,” said Mark Miner.

My bullshit meter is burning up...


New Member
Paul should of used the real ammo against these two, they both used to be democrats...that would be the end of that...


New Member
Well its on the front page of drudge so pretty much a lot of blogs have picked this up and hopefully they will talk about it on television a bit, Idk though. some people actually wrote that its just Ron Paul fans being whiney lol


New Member
Well its good its what Ron Campaign goal was for this debate, to knock down Rick Perry, that was accomplished...


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats fucked up...why he grabbing his wrist and putting his fingers in his face...Fuck Perry