Perpetual Harvest & State law

Quick question-

In my area possessing over 25 plants is considered prima facie evidence of intent to sell, which carries a stiffer sentence than cultivation. I'll risk small time, but I'm not willing to put myself in a position where I could be sentenced to spend more than half a decade in prison.

My question is what would be the smallest number of plants required for a weekly harvest?

Assuming you veg'd for 4 weeks and flowered for 8, you could get buy with 12 plants in veg and 12 in flower for a total of 24 plants in varying stages plus one mother at any given time.

Is that correct or am I flawed in my thinking?



Well-Known Member
I am kinda new to growing, only about a year and 3-4 crops under my belt. I do sort of a perpetual grow too, with not all plants in flower being the same age. What I have found is that they often take longer than 8 weeks to get to where you want them. Having a production goal is cool and all, but really what you have to do is just have the maximum you're comfortable with. They will take as long as they take, and you'll yield what you yield.
Thanks for the reply. I realize 8 weeks isn't ideal and that I should allow for up to 12, but is my math right otherwise? Assuming they did finish in 8 weeks this would be correct, right? I just want to make sure I'm not missing something before I make anymore plans.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Quick question-

In my area possessing over 25 plants is considered prima facie evidence of intent to sell, which carries a stiffer sentence than cultivation. I'll risk small time, but I'm not willing to put myself in a position where I could be sentenced to spend more than half a decade in prison.

My question is what would be the smallest number of plants required for a weekly harvest?

Assuming you veg'd for 4 weeks and flowered for 8, you could get buy with 12 plants in veg and 12 in flower for a total of 24 plants in varying stages plus one mother at any given time.

Is that correct or am I flawed in my thinking?

Plants take 8 weeks to finish flowering and you harvest one plant each week means you need 8 plants in your flowering area ... harvesting and replacing one each week.

... say it takes six weeks from removing cutting from the mother, producing roots and vegging to the stage where you switch to 12/12.

if you take one cutting each week, to replace the harvested one, you will need 15 plants.

1 - mother
6 - clones/vegging
8 - flowering

Maybe take an extra clone occasionally just to cover screw-ups, but 15 is your minimum for a weekly harvest.


Well-Known Member
you could have any kind of perpetual harvest as low as weekly if you wanted i have seen perpetual 2 week harvests with as little as 7 plants with 8 week strains. the thing to do is research the hell out of your laws and go from there this can take a while but worth it. what exactly do they consider a "plant"? i know in my state they speak of mature plants (any plant that exceeds 12" or has more than 1% thc content) so sog growing is my friend for most plants in my perpetual garden wont see 12" till the end anyway (freshly rooted clones to flower room)
G.O.D.- Maybe I'm stoned, but I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this. Let's say theoretically it takes 12 weeks from clone to harvest. You'd end up with 12 clones and 12 plants in flower before your first harvest. Right? I'm having trouble seeing how it'd take less than 24 plants to achieve a harvest of 1 plant per week.

Drgreen- The state law makes no reference to plant maturity, size, weight, potency, etc.. as far as the lawmakers in my state are concerned a plant is a plant is a plant... It's ridiculous!


Well-Known Member
man that sucks you must live in a stiff state

if you want low plant counts and a weekly harvest like you are explaining its going to be all about planning and genetics i do perpetual and i use WW for it as it has a 8 to 9 week finishing time i cut down at 8 weeks regardless of maturity but 99.9% of the time if all is well they are very done at week 8.
Nevermind, I figured out where I fucked up. My original plan was to harvest two plants every week and I forgot to swap out the variables. I think. Fuck, I'm still confused. I'll try this again when I'm thinking more clearly.


Well-Known Member
Interesting how they define "plant" here in Maine, but good for us patients. I have been in discussions about that both in and out of these forum. In our new law, they define a plant as being female, harvestable and at least 12x12. No mention of any other stage. If it's in veg, it is not a marijuana plant (yet). We can have up to six "marijuana plants".
So, the general consensus seems to be that we can have as many as we want in veg. There is another legal limit that would kick in at 99 however. At that point, you are in a felony level of cultivation and state law would probably not save you.

I re-read your post and now it makes perfect sense to me. The number of plants required is in direct relationship with the amount of time it takes to grow that particular strain.

Thanks for the replies everyone and remember, don't move to Florida!


Active Member

I re-read your post and now it makes perfect sense to me. The number of plants required is in direct relationship with the amount of time it takes to grow that particular strain.

Thanks for the replies everyone and remember, don't move to Florida!
im planning on moving to florida and man r u right ive been researchin mj laws there ,holy shit , no tolerance what so ever.i always have at least minimum of 30 plants flowering at a time and the same in veg.if i get caught there they will put me under the jail
im planning on moving to florida and man r u right ive been researchin mj laws there ,holy shit , no tolerance what so ever.i always have at least minimum of 30 plants flowering at a time and the same in veg.if i get caught there they will put me under the jail
Yeah, man. Florida hates pot smokers. We've got a Republican Governor for the next 5 years, so I don't see it changing any time soon. The intent to sell charge they'll tack onto a cultivation bust of 25 or more plants carries a 15 year max sentence.

Be careful.


Well-Known Member
republicans omg.....

and plz change your sig its making me want tacobell and im on this new cat meat free diet