Penn states Sundusky will burn in hell.


Well-Known Member

This is the grand jury report about everything that happend at Penn state. It is extremely graphic and I want to warn you all before you read it. I've been enraged since hearing of the story, and I just read it. I feel physically Ill...literally. My blOod is pumping hard and I'm very angry right now. Read this and learn from it. If this is how we protect our children then I don't know what the fuck is right anymore. Our society is despicable. I'm disgusted.

29 boys have come forward now.

Sandusky, I hope he gets murderd in prison...


Active Member
i didn't read it all but I read enough to know, the sad thing is peope like Sandusky will be everywhere over the world and people will just not know about it. I agree the things he has done is probably the most wrong and disgusting things done to others, he should be murdered.

but what is a more fitting punishment? to be given an easy death or be made to suffer in prison. there can be no passion for him, so we can only hope he rots for a long time


Well-Known Member
This shit is so fucked up.He even has adopted kids.This sick ass guy needs to be put down,he knew exactly what he was doing with his fucked up program he created.


Well-Known Member
He needs a pineapple inserted into his rectum the spikes side first.

I didn't know he had adopted kids... That's really sad, I'm sure he abused them as well.

What I can't believe is the grad student who walked in on Sandusky abusing a boy on the school showers, and didn't stop it. I know he was probably shocked, but he's a 28 year old male. I know if I walked in on that I would probably end Up in jail too. For murdering the prick. He's evil incarnate.


Well-Known Member
... He'd probably love to be analy raped. Well good things is he would probably get murdered in the general population, so they won't put him there.
I'm surprised there aren't more people chiming in on this one. It is big news.


Well-Known Member

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
I would hate to be in his shoes when he stands before his Maker.

It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.
Fucking asswipe.


Well-Known Member
Some day we will be expected to accept this kind of thing.
Think not???
What would your great grand parents reactions be to the things we see as normal now days?
But today he is a sick SOB and should be shot in the street.