PC Stealth Grow & My First Grow


Hey all, im about 2 weeks into it but i decided i would make a thread to dump all my pictures and progress :]

What im growing: (Cup #'s)
#1 Strawberry Cough
#2 Strawberry Cough
#3 Blue Hash

My Plant Log:

--WEEK 1--
*water ph 6.5
*light schedule 24/0
july 29/#3 planted, watered 2oz
july 31/#3 broke soil, watered 1oz, light-start 1pm
#1,#2 planted, watered 3oz
aug 2/#1 broke soil
aug 3/#3 watered 6oz

--WEEK 2--
aug 5/#1,#3 placed inside growbox 6500k light-start 12pm
#1,#3 spritzed lightly with water
#2 new seed planted
aug 7/#1,#3 watered 3oz
#2 broke soil
aug 9/#1,#3 watered 6oz
*water ph 6.0
*light schedule 12/12 lights off 6pm-6am 2500k

--WEEk 3--
aug 15/#1,#2,#3 watered 5oz

Now onto the pictures! (you cant see the cup #'s in the pictures, but the one furthest along is the blue hash. The other 2 are strawberry cough)

Pictures taken 8/17

#3 Blue Hash:

#1 Strawberry Cough:

They're current lighting arrangement (75% 2500k, 25% 6500k lumens):

I know my ladies are a tad stretched, it was a few days during their germination before i could get them under proper lighting :]
feel free to post :]


Well-Known Member
Looks cool mate.
You could do with a lick of matt white paint in there or maybe some mylar just to max the light.
Hard to see for sure, but those 2 exhaust fans look like they are leaking light in as well. That will cause problems in flowering unless you can cover them up when the lights go off.
Looking forward you will end up with a canopy under that mesh which will effectively split the chamber into 2 parts. The top part with the lights will have no intake and a single exhaust which may not be up to the job. Might pay to think about that now while you can still make changes easily.


a few more pictures taken today,
doing some quick head math i believe i have about 5 weeks left before harvesting.
any comments or questions?
