PC Grow


Yep. I went out to the local Target and scoured the aisles looking for something to use as a "booster seat". I ended up getting a metal mesh organizer and a plastic Tupperware " drain pan (You can see them in picture #1 on post 18). They raised my pots up a good 9-10", maybe more. I would say they are maybe 5" from the bottom of the lights. Depending on the growth I see in the next day or two, I may use some old DVD cases to boost them up a bit higher.


Day #4: As I've said, I'm going to try and do my best to document each day of my growth, even if there isn't anything worth showing. Today is one of those days :D



Active Member
My light will be fine the way it is
. I've grown with CFL's before and never had an issue. In fact, I've used these same lights in the past 3 grows I've done. I am thinking of swapping one of my lower watt 2700k with a 42w 2700k I have laying around. However, I want to see how the heat issue pans out. If heat becomes an issue, I may start using a small ice tray in front of the intake fan, to help cool the box. Well time to check on the "ladies" and see if anyone is awake yet
An ice tray with ice will produce condensation and it will drip all over, i used a half a litre bottle frozen in the freezer and kept it in my box( you can keep another to freeze while the other is thawing in the box ) ...
Also, i'm not here to argue, maybe you are right and your lights are enough.


That's not a bad idea. I would have never thought about a half frozen bottle. +Rep for you, good sir.


Day #6: Fall has arrived in Southern California and the temperature has dropped a good deal. As such, my box temp has also lowered (A good thing!). The plants are really taking off. I have a feeling that next week will show some awesome growth. I PHd my water and gave each plant a drink. I'm following the schedule in Buds for Less.


dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
you might want to bury the stems up the close to the leaves so it wont fall over or something
all seedling stretch at frist


Well-Known Member
Awesome! I just read through the entire post. Good grow! I built a grow cabinet but it didn't look stealth enough. I'll be moving soon and I need a more stealth box. Three questions for you. First question is, how much yield can you expect from this pc growbox and how long from seed to harvest? Third question, I have my fans currently sliced and connected using electric tape and pigtails connecting to a phone adapter; is there a better way, I always feel paranoid about fire. :) Keep it up :)


1. The yield is a huge variable. I've seen as little as 2 grams and as much as an ounce. With proper training, anything is possible.
2. From seed to harvest can take anywhere from 8 weeks to 13 weeks, or longer, depending on the strain grown.
3. Don't feel paranoid. I have 2 fans, running parallel via electrical tape, attached to a universal DC adapter with adjustable voltage.


Well-Known Member
Are CFL's the best choice for PC growboxes? If I use good soil, good CFL light and LST in that case what would be an average variable? 2g-an ounce the most?
I'd like to find a method to get atleast an ounce a month if possible. If it comes to it maybe I'll even build two different PC grow boxes but I would prefer to figure out if it's possible to grow in one.
So I have the materials, can I connect to power bar to those screw in sockets to the cfls? Recommend me using duct tape and that window reflector stuff? I'll be going to some computer stores looking for a tower. Any recommendations?


An ounce a month will be very hard with the space limitations of a tower. There are adapters that you can buy, that allow you to use light bulbs in 2 prong plugs. They are anywhere from 99 cents to $1.99. You can find them at Walmart, HomeDepot, etc. I would use white polyethylene or Mylar if you want good reflectivity. I got my tower off of Ebay. You can buy towers in the stores, but none of them will be what you want. My tower is almost 27" tall and I guarantee you, you won't find it in a store like Fry's or BestBuy.


Day #7: The new growth is finally popping up. I'm sure by tomorrow or the next day, the next set of leaves will be out and soaking up the rays. My temps went back up to 90, so I'm going to try the half frozen water bottle trick mentioned earlier by Schtrudel :)



Well-Known Member
Hey man looks like you are off to a good start. If you keep it up you are on the road to some quality smoke. I have successfully gotten over 30g out of my pc before. I was growing Papaya from nirvana and did Alot of LST along the way. Rep+. STAY HIGH!!


Well-Known Member
It was your grow that actually inspired me to take on a PC grow versus a closet grow. Thank you. :)
Glad I could be the one to help. Well now that you know where to find me fell free to pm me if you have any questions. I am going to be starting up my box here real soon. I have a DNA GENETICS Sour Cream germinating as we speak. Keep it up. STAY HIGH!!!


Day #8: The new growth is coming in nicely. I've decided to switch to 12/12 today as that was my original intention (12/12 from seed). It's probably going to cause some mild stretching but nothing I'm really worried about. I just gave them a cup each of PHd water today and the lights are going to going off at 10am. In case anyone was wondering, I'm following the schedule of Buds for Less.


dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
nice ill glad you have switched to 12/12 i am thinking about doing 12/12 from seed next since my light fell on my girl this morning and burned half of her again:( i have a nother seed that just broke through the ground today which is nice so i might 12/12 that seed