pc grow


Active Member
hi everyone i not posted anything on here for about a year so thought i would hehe anyway becuase of my living situation i cnt do a proper grow atmo but i have been fuking about with a pc grow box i now its pointless and produces hardly any weed but it keeps me happy :) well i have tryed growing lowryder 2
3 times first one was too hot for it (air flow suked first time and had hot summer )second after a while seemed to be male so got rid the third one just has preflowered now and have had it for months in there so have

anyway i will not give up on this until i get one to bud properly atmo i have 2 big fans on the side bringing air in 2 at the bac taking it out and am going to put 2 at the front for better airflow around the case as my third plant atmo parts of it where dieing because the airflow wasent good anough when the plant was quite big i have decided to start a fresh with the original lowryder bought better soil ( was useing some crap all purpose compost it slowed down the growth of the plant i think )and hopefully it will work just wanted to make this post to see if anyone has got any tips on pc grows or anything will get pics on here soon of the case i use o ye sry if i have posted this in the wrong wasent sure o ye should i just use one pot for this or start it of in a little one first