PC grow diary: 125W CFL with a bit of a how-to..


Nice looking set up.
Think you may need to upgrade your fillter tho, if you want to eliminate smell. I made mine out of wire mesh, some old stockings and active carbon. It works well, no smell but you do lose about 60% of your pc fans cfm tho.
Good luck
Just doing an update with a load of photos to show you guys how they are getting on..

Both plants have exploded again in past week, over course of 10ish days they have gone from 5 leaves to almost 30 leaves..

I have decided to put them both on flowering as from today, doing 12/12 with 2700k bulbs.. they are 23w each and output 1570lumens each.. so pretty decent I think.

I am a little worried about the temperatures with the lights off... I am turning them off at 8am and back on at 8pm so the coldest period is during the day but it still drops to about 18-20 degrees during the day time :(.. night time is 28 ish.

Anyway have a load of photos (I went a bit crazy with the camera)


Active Member
Nice to see you got the balancing of the nutes dialled :)
GOOD spacial management with 5x 23 watters in there, how much space you got upwards and across in there? and are you planning on some perspex or scrog?

I'm Sooo keen to see what the seed from your local outdoor (I'm assuming or maybe indoor?) dealer, cause mine is hardy and yields much higher than any other strains I have ever seen... its savage.

Try insulation for heat, maybe run a heater during the day or maybe close and open doors in such a way that the temp increases slightly? play around with what you have dude :)
Happy Growing and big love!
Hey thanks for the reply.. I have 2 foot upwards space minus the space the lights take (I am growing the plants downwards.. they are balancing on books at the minute and I am removing them all the time as they just keep growing!

The floor space is shy of 1foot square.. so not great.. about 0.7 square foot..

The seeds at the minute are just bag seed.. I got told they were either White shark or Early pearl..

I might have to look into a little heater but want to keep costs down..