Pc grow day 18, overwatering? brown tips


New Member
It's an auto ak finishing up her third week, she's growing in a pc case under 60w of led garage lights in a ~5lt pot filled with grow mix

Last week two leaves showed up with browned tips which i took as overwatering:

So i stepped in and transplanted (i know you´re supposed not to with autos but i started her in too little of a container) and i started watering a bit more each time when dry until i reached 5% of the containers capacity: 50ml,100 and finally on wednesday 200ml with nutes, bat and chicken manure tea for vegetative

Bad leaves corrected but the new node is showing the same problem. The first two weeks i watered normally, soaking the whole medium until i saw ~10% runoff, and though it dried normally in 3-4 days it showed those overwatering symptoms

Im kinda scared now so im watering with 5% of the containers capacity and it drys up usually in about a day, and when it dries even sooner i'll start watering more

Is my method wrong? Should i water like i did before? (soaking the whole medium until i saw ~10% runof?)
Could the decolored leaves have any other cause?
MANY thanks in advance ❤