PC Grow: 1 x Auto Blue Mystic - ScrOG / 250W CFL

Bob Baker

Wanted to throw a few thoughts into the mix. Not sure pot depth is the cause for the height of the auto. I have a pc grow on the go. Two auto assassins. Both are at day 36 and both are 14" tall at the moment. The pot I am currently using is five inches high and holds no more then two cups of mix. Previous grow I used windshield washer jugs and cut them at ten inches high (they fit perfect in a pc). In that grow I had two auto blueberries and they both finished at 17". They say pot size matters but when it comes to autos and pc cases I tend to disagree. Auto assassins tend to be no more then two feet in height so I am already more then half way there with four weeks left on the grow. Again not sure that the cfls are causing tight nodes and keeping the plant short. I am running four cfls on a power bar and keep them aprox. 11/2" from the top of the plants. Not sure why they are shorter but might have something more to do with the scrog. The other thought may be soil vs soilless mix. I love soilless and only use such. Can give u a simple recipe if you wish. Peace and high times my friend.
Happy to throw pics your way but have no intention of jacking your thread bud


Well-Known Member
Wanted to throw a few thoughts into the mix. Not sure pot depth is the cause for the height of the auto. I have a pc grow on the go. Two auto assassins. Both are at day 36 and both are 14" tall at the moment. The pot I am currently using is five inches high and holds no more then two cups of mix. Previous grow I used windshield washer jugs and cut them at ten inches high (they fit perfect in a pc). In that grow I had two auto blueberries and they both finished at 17". They say pot size matters but when it comes to autos and pc cases I tend to disagree. Auto assassins tend to be no more then two feet in height so I am already more then half way there with four weeks left on the grow. Again not sure that the cfls are causing tight nodes and keeping the plant short. I am running four cfls on a power bar and keep them aprox. 11/2" from the top of the plants. Not sure why they are shorter but might have something more to do with the scrog. The other thought may be soil vs soilless mix. I love soilless and only use such. Can give u a simple recipe if you wish. Peace and high times my friend.
Happy to throw pics your way but have no intention of jacking your thread bud
No worries! Please, feel free to add some pictures! Make sure you get a picture of the whole case!


Well-Known Member
The purple colouring is amazing!
Look at these and compare it to how the leafs were yesterday (picture further down in post). Won't be long now I think till she's turning blue/purple.




Active Member
That's an insane amount of light in a PC case lol :)

No offense, but using autos seems like a waste in such a small area.

Seems like you'd want to veg longer to fill the screen in if you're looking to hit the OZ mark.


Well-Known Member
That's an insane amount of light in a PC case lol :)

No offense, but using autos seems like a waste in such a small area.

Seems like you'd want to veg longer to fill the screen in if you're looking to hit the OZ mark.
None taken at all! I appreciate it!
I agree with you totally. I will experiment a little after my next grow.
Will most likely try 2 Auto Blue Mystics or 1 x Northern Lights (feminised, non-auto) to fill up the net as you said.

Bob Baker

Hey ya bro. Ok [laughing], I know what you are thinking. How do you fit an 18" plant in a pc. The easy answer is too google "mr. Grow pro". I bought one of his cases and in my opinion, soooo worth the $200. It stands 26" high which is a hard pc case to find. He also includes the onyx with it but I have a few suggestions in place of it. If your girls are not super smelly then I suggest trying this. Place an open box of baking soda in the pc case with your girl. Just be sure to put it on the opposite side of the intake fan. It works great at removing the odor and will last 30 days then just replace. In conjunction with this you can also tape a bounce sheet over the exhaust port on the outside of the pc case. This simply gives the odor of fresh laundry, but does need to be replaced every few days. Mr grow pro includes a charcoal filter on the exhaust port of the pc case, but I am not sure where to find replacements for it when it has worn out. Another thought on the height of your plant is that the cfl you are using is a 50/50 split. During veg you want a 3:1 ratio on your veg light, 3 5k and 1 2k. During flowering you should have the same ratio in reverse. The 50/50 split maybe confusing your gal. Anyways an outstanding grow friend, and keep on rolling :)

Bob Baker

Electronug, you are a bit misinformed on the auto front friend. You can not veg an auto any longer. The auto comes from the fact that it automatically starts flowering. Irregardless of light schedule. Two autos at a time will fill the scrog screen. The upside to the autos are the fast finishing time, but a library of seeds is required as they can not be cloned. If you try to clone an auto it goes into flower while still being a seedling. The problem with non auto plants in a pc case becomes light schedule. You really require two pc cases for them. One for an 18 hour light schedule and one for 12 hour flowering schedule. I have juggled in one case but it is a real pain because you need to remove and put back the flowering plant to keep to a 12 hour schedule. This basically means you have to be there all the time to keep switching it in and out, or you don't bother cloning the girl, but then you are back to needing a steady supply of seed. Peace :)


Active Member
I said nothing about vegging autos longer.

I was making reference to using regular seeds rather than autos to allow for a longer veg.

Bob Baker

My bad electronegative, except for the fact that it's easy to pull an ounce off an auto, not to mention the fact that autos are the ideal plant for pc growing, given the limited space. Regular plants require a GREAT deal of lst'ing to fit into a pc grow. I happen to completely disagree with the fact that you mention it's a complete waste of time. The last pc grow I finished with two auto blueberries I finished with a dry weight of almost 2 1/2 ounces. The other fact that they are done in almost half the time seems to make it all make sense. Sorry bud but I will continue to disagree.

Bob Baker

As well, in order to keep a plant a reasonable size for the pc you must throw it into flowering after two weeks, and doing this you end up with roughly the same amount of pot as an auto. As I said earlier the biggest benift of using regular plants is the ability to clone, and that means two separate pc setups for the two different light schedules. So if you only have one pc setup then you are better with autos 1/2 the time equals twice the yield. Math 101 dude


Active Member
Good for you, boss... glad to hear it.

I was simply making an observation of what I saw here in this thread - never was I claiming to be an expert in the field of auto-flowering genetics.

Relax, brah... you're seeming a tad cuntish.

Bob Baker

Not at all being cuntish, just weeding out the misinformed, but really "cuntish". That's very noble of you. I happen to think our friend here is doing a fine job and is not wasting a thing. 35 grows under my belt means I have learned one or two things that I can offer. And when you have done your research as well as practical learning I will gladly except you slinging words like "cuntish" at me. Until then it is you mate who are all balls and no stem. You enjoy your 100 + day wait. Use the time to read up on what you think you already know..


Active Member
Dude, you jumped all over me with your TL;DR shit for suggesting he use regular seeds to help fill in the canopy.

I could care less about you or your "knowledge" and I call bullshit on your 2.5oz PC grow claims.

Grow the fuck up.

Bob Baker

No worries Skunky, will not be addressing him after this. First off he is going after you now for saying calm down, second he slashes yet again for my 2 1/2 ounces when everyone who has been growing for a while learns the small tricks that can get you an ounce plus off an auto. Should take a poll on how many others out here in this "serious business" cyber world have pulled over an ounce. I bet lots. Lastly the dude is growing in a cabinet not a pc. Big difference in space and yield and options. I garauntee you though he will be throwing a few boxes of arm and hammer in his cabinet, while thinking to him self, why didn't I think of this. I was polite in the beginning but have reached my end with this ignorant fool. I wish you all the best of luck electronug, to bad you are here to be right and not to learn. Roll another one dude and then stumble off and get lost over the net. And yes I guess I need to learn to read, but you learn to grow before you are "suggesting" to others what they should do. Peace

Bob Baker

[FONT=Tahoma, Calibri, Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif]For the rest of you try this on your next grow if you wish, instead of soil pick up the following 1) potting mix 2)perlite 3) vermiculite. Use the ratio, 50 % potting mix, 30 % perlite and 20% vermiculite (all can be found at a gardening store). This mix is a much lighter mix then soil and allows plenty of air to the roots of the plant. Soil ends up compacting and choking off the air. You will notice the plants gaining a great deal in size over plants in soil. Due to the size difference the yield, of course, will also dramatically increase.

Second suggestion I would make is a quarter tsp of dark molasses to your watering after the plants begin flowering. Dark Molasses is a natural carbohydrate that cannabis plants love. The difference in yield is unbelievable, not only in the size of the buds but the density as well. This has been tested time and time again and has proven to be highly beneficial. Note: molasses is an additive and is not used in place of any other nutrients.

As far as nutrients go, even a 20-20-20 for veg and a fruit and vegetable flowering fertilizer will work just fine for the beginners in conjunction with the two recommendations above. As you become more proficient experimenting with the more specific cannabis fertilizers, will be a priority, but more care is involved not to be over/ under feeding nutrients.

Lastly, use distilled water start to finish through your grow if you can. Distilled water maintains a proper ph range for your girls. When you get into chlorine treated water, even allowing it to evaporate off, the ph tends to be out of range, and you end up trying to raise or lower the ph value. The most common signs of ph problems will be leaf tips yellowing, if this happens flush your girls well with distilled water. This can also happen even if using distilled due to the salts from the nutrients building up in your soil and bringing it out of range. Again flush well if these signs occur.

Good luck to all[/FONT]