PC Case. ((Need some advices))


Well-Known Member
well you can choose that. when your at you last days with your plants, look at the trichomes. Since you want an up high, you want most of the trichomes to be cloudy, if your like me, i like the couch lock, youd wait a few more days until they turned an amber colored.

take a look at this bruh..
I thought about the highs it was all about if it was Sativa or Indica, so it all depends when i do harverst uh?


Well-Known Member
There are so many varibles dude that we dont even know about here. What is the ambient temp of the room the case will be in? What wattage bulbs are you gonna use? What size pc fans? heat is a bastard to control in a small space and 5 bulbs of any wattage is inviting headaches. You can get away with less wattage in a pc because the lights will be so close to the plants. Alot of the process is gonna be build it and put the problems in order and figure them out as you go. What is your plan for odor control?


Well-Known Member
I didn't bought it the cfl's yet, this is only a plan, and ye.. i'm thinking about to use low wattage bulbs and put them on top and both sides to make better flowers, now about the odor control, i dunkno shit about that, i need help seriously. The PC Box, i think i found one, not big not that small, i think is perfect. 54cm Weight.


Active Member
Make a carbon filter bruh

Idk where the link is, I learned how to make a DIY filter on this site in 2009. I don't know where the link Is on this site but if you do your homework, it'll all be good. The tempature should be a nice 79-84F.


Active Member
Is this your first grow?
Make a grow journal and I wanna see your plant from seed to the bud.
The RIU community and I will help you succeed.


Well-Known Member
no problem brother, that thing looks fucking sick...mad props to the dude who thought of that...im gonna make myself one because i have 2 exhaust's on my tent, and one already has a filter i bought but it still smells a little...good luck brother