Papaya anyone?


Well-Known Member
the pictures are here!!!Error
check em out and give me some feedback. just to give you perspective, the tallest one is like 17 inches and the short one is just over like 11 inches... when pic was taken a few days ago, the big one now is like just over 20 inches, im going to flower on the 1st of October.


Well-Known Member
indica all the way, they are 85%/15% indica/ sativa yeah i havnt smoked this strain yet but the the strain description says it gives a very nice body buzz, so im pretty excited...


Well-Known Member
no journal, sorry... just a little update i started the flowering phase oct. 1, so i am a about one week into flowering, i dont claim to be an expert but from what i can tell of my 4 papaya plants 2 are female and 2 are male....and the other three mystery plants seem to be all male i hope im wrong tho, i'll know for sure within the next week, i just hope i get more than just 2 out of 7... i'd show pics of sexing up close but i dont have a cam good enough for that kind of detail, its still early yet tho so im keeping my fingers crossed


Well-Known Member
i have heard cloning after you started flowering is harder to do but possible have you tried? i would really like to clone but i dont have everything i need to do it and i couldnt wait any longer to flower these plants are just getting massive. but i might go get some stuff so i can do it within this week..


Well-Known Member
Oh.. man, I'll have to go look at my notes but I'm pretty sure she began around Aug. 22nd. I have been cloning everyone, and Miss Papaya has been the most problematic to clone, just as she was MOST problematic to get germinated and sprouted. But I looked at the two I've got going now (clones) and they EXPLODED on me in the past couple of days. They're in a closet, so out of sight out of mind. Anyway, ALL were taken after flowering began. The biggest problem for me was that those with buds tended to start rotting at the bud sites with the high humidity. I was able to save several clones of other strains, but not the Papaya. Fortunately, I've got two strong Papaya clones. Oh, and I've done some sampling of her buds, you're gonna like it. 8)

Anyway, I am planning on definitely re-vegging her. But I also want good seeds. I can probably breed her with anything else and just cube the following generations back, but that takes time.


Well-Known Member
day one for my plants was aug. 16th, your day one was 22nd....your already getting buds.....i flowered way to late.....? damn it


Well-Known Member
I am growing outdoors, too. Aren't you indoors? Since mine are outdoors I did nothing to influence induction of flowering, that is the date that I noted their sex as a definite. I have not yet been able to sort when, exactly, one can say that their plant is flowering. Did you note when it showed sex? I would go by that date.


Well-Known Member
well i hate to say it but i see no differences today, 2 sharing the same characteristics and the other 5 all sharing the same characteristics, 2 at the base...nodes? theres the two spikes ya know......well on the 2 there is two little spikes coming in...sharing the same characteristics of sensimilla i do belive....? and all the other ones next the the spikes are like little tiny acorn looking clusters of two and which i do believe are the males......i was hoping those clusters would open up and show me little squigglys but i dont see that happening. lol so yea im gonna let them go until the weekend just to make sure but its looking like only two of the seven are female =(


Well-Known Member
ok so after looking at alot of pictures of males and females its looking like i have two females out of 7. great... but i am going to give em til the weekend until i dispose of the males just incase those little bud looking things split to show pistols.... im going to pick up some stuff tomorrow and attempt to do some clones..wish me luck


Well-Known Member
well i threw out 5 males today. arrg =(... so im down to 2 females, and i did some clones tonight. i took three cuttings from each plant so i have 6 clones sitting under a 75 watt flouresent light in a humidity dome that i made....mist daily and hope for the best eh.. i'll get some pic updates on here tomorrow hopefully.


Well-Known Member
Day 15 flowering on my Papayas here. Looking good! Not really much to look at yet, plus it's lights off time, or I'd post a pic. Nice thick healthy stems, looks like they'll produce some biggish buds.


Well-Known Member
is this your first time growing papaya? we are about at the same stage then, cause im on day 10 of flowering. i would post more pics but for some reason my camera is acting up. im so excited about those clones! i hear alot of people have troubles with clones so i was a little nervous but i did my home work so we shall see. i think they are all going to make it. its only been a few days but i would think if they were going to show signs of not making it they would have shown by now? idk. they all stand firmly, and look as healthy as they did before i even cut them off the plant, infact i'd go so far as to say they look healthier! i think i will give them about a week under that 75 watt floresent light then i'll add another 75 watter to promote veg. growth. right now its all about the roots tho. i'll keep you posted...


Well-Known Member
Yes, first time with Papaya. The entire crop is three Hindu Kush clones, and three female Papaya grown from seed (got some clones vegging now too, from these females). All six under a 600 watt light in a custom-built cabinet. I saw another guy's Papaya grow and it looked pretty damn awesome, so I am hopeful! ;)


Well-Known Member
awesome, we will be harvesting around the same time frame then, we should compare yields! this is my first grow ever but ive been researching for years. it grows wild around me so i've been toying with that stuff for a few years, its so much fun. i guess people refer to the wild weed as ditch weed, but if you tend to it i wouldnt classify it as ditch anymore. the reason i opted to go with papaya is i read its fast growing, mold resistant, and the plant doest get really big...perfect for indoor growing and most commonly used in "sea of green" gardens. its high is a mellow body buzz too which is what i want. man all this talk i want it to be ready now!! oh and by the way this is totally off topic but about a half hour ago i started cooking some spaghetteo's and meatballs on the stove.....needless to say totally forgot about them. i smelt like a burning smell that triggered me to remember i jumped up off the computer took off for the kitchen running through all this smoke everywhere man i expected to see flames when i went in there holy shit! thankfully there was no damage, and the spaghetteos were nothing more than a solid black brick of matter....jeez. now im enjoying another can as we speak, mmmm delish