Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
Beautiful day here in Oregon. The lockdown has driven down the epidemic in this state to the point where we can go out and enjoy some of this weather. A survey in Corvallis that is run using Oregon State University labs to test local population for the virus is half-way done and we'll have results in another week or so.

Corvallis door-to-door coronavirus testing project enters second weekend
The Corvallis School Board chair was one of the first people to be tested for the coronavirus through the TRACE-COVID-19 study, which began last weekend. The project — the acronym stands for team-based rapid assessment of community-level coronavirus epidemics — aims to test 4,000 randomly chosen Corvallis residents by going door to door each weekend for four weeks.
The study is a collaboration among Oregon State University, the Benton County Health Department and the Willamette Valley Toxicology Lab. In total, the TRACE project has around 100 people throughout the university system involved, plus health department staff and WVT lab researchers.

TRACE’s results would paint a broader picture of how many locals have been exposed to the virus.
“I was really happy to participate,” Al-AbdRabbuh said. “It was all self-administered.”

Staffers are maintaining a safe distance from people’s front doors. The testing teams — one local health professional and one OSU student — provide participating households with study information and test kits containing nasal swabs for each resident taking part in the project.

Note that this is a survey for active Coronavirus cases, not a serological survey for presence of antibodies. It's part of an orderly and logical process where we take small steps toward relaxing lockdown orders while monitoring results along the way.

There were no deaths in Oregon for two days running. The gov is announcing reduced lockdown orders. The people in my area have been complying and we are seeing the benefit.

The garden is starting to show bare spots and I'm re-planting summer vegetables. Tomatoes go into the ground today, basil and eggplant in a couple more weeks. The kids have shown my lack of planning because the garden can't keep up with us. Time to add more garden beds and put those walking appetites to work weeding them.


Well-Known Member
Swarms of locust and swarms of asteroids whizzing by too! A plague upon the land, the economy crashing and a moron is king...

Here is a glimpse of what is ahead this summer in America with Donald's great red state die off, he might send them 10,000 ventilators, but what about the tens of thousands of medical personal to go with them? With the health demographics and older nature of the rural population it will be a catastrophe in the heart of Trump land, his base is gonna get hammered soon.

U.S. Is In For A Bumpy Ride With Virus, Says Doctor | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Drs. Ashish Jha and Michael Osterholm join Morning Joe to discuss the reopening of select portions of the country's economy and why the coronavirus isn't going away anytime soon. Aired on 5/5/2020.


Well-Known Member
Trump sidelining Task Force by Memorial Day. He finally was convinced daily shit show was hurting his polls so they’re no longer needed.

This reopening is going to go tragically bad,

Be careful
So I'm assuming then that you don't put your trust in a President who flies off the handle on Twitter, calling people "Loser" among other derogatory names like a 12 year old, takes no responsibility, refuses any oversight while his own companies scam the taxpayer, and asks whether if UV light and disinfectants put into the human body will eradicate a virus.


Well-Known Member
Swarms of locust and swarms of asteroids whizzing by too! A plague upon the land, the economy crashing and a moron is king...

Here is a glimpse of what is ahead this summer in America with Donald's great red state die off, he might send them 10,000 ventilators, but what about the tens of thousands of medical personal to go with them? With the health demographics and older nature of the rural population it will be a catastrophe in the heart of Trump land, his base is gonna get hammered soon.

U.S. Is In For A Bumpy Ride With Virus, Says Doctor | Morning Joe | MSNBC
Drs. Ashish Jha and Michael Osterholm join Morning Joe to discuss the reopening of select portions of the country's economy and why the coronavirus isn't going away anytime soon. Aired on 5/5/2020.
Just in time for November.


Well-Known Member
trump will “distance” his fat ass from the reopening if when it blows up andnwill blame “reckless” governors. He is such an over privileged spoiled bully.

Seems to be getting more impaired by the day, these incredible strings of rage tweets and constant name calling is nuts, agreed. Hardly any solemn words or emotion for the dead and the suffering Americans.

Blood runs off Republicans' hands.
All Republicans hands.


Well-Known Member

Ousted vaccine director files whistleblower complaint alleging coronavirus warnings were ignored

(CNN)Dr. Rick Bright, the ousted director of the office involved in developing a coronavirus vaccine, formally filed an extensive whistleblower complaint Tuesday alleging his early warnings about the coronavirus were ignored and that his caution at a treatment favored by President Donald Trump led to his removal.
Bright said in the complaint he raised urgent concerns about shortages of critical supplies, including masks, to his superiors in the Trump administration but was met with skepticism and surprise.
While Bright said some officials shared his concerns -- including top White House trade adviser Peter Navarro -- he describes an overall lack of action at the top of the administration even as the virus was spreading outside of China.
Bright had led the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority since 2016 when he was reassigned last month to a narrower position at the National Institutes of Health.

In his whistleblower complaint, Bright says he raised concerns about US preparedness for coronavirus starting in January but was met with "indifference which then developed into hostility" by leaders at the Department of Health and Human Services.
Later, he says he pushed back on HHS's leadership when they sought to make "potentially harmful drugs" available for treating Covid-19, including hydroxychloroquine, which had been repeatedly touted by Trump as a potential cure despite a lack of robust testing.
"His efforts to prioritize science and safety over political expediency and to expose practices that posed a substantial risk to public health and safety, especially as it applied to chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, rankled those in the Administration who wished to continue to push this false narrative," the complaint reads.
HHS declined a CNN request to comment on the complaint.

Bright's decision to go public with his concerns last month exposed months of turmoil inside one of the key divisions at HHS charged with responding to the coronavirus pandemic. His allegations raised serious questions about political bias creeping into the government's response to the pandemic and the extent to which Trump's preferences for a drug overshadowed its scientific merits.
After he initially aired his complaints, administration officials leveled a range of allegations against Bright, including accusing him of poorly managing his office, mistreating staff and failing to consult his superiors on consequential decisions. But Bright's most recent performance review from May 2019, a copy of which was obtained by CNN, delivered rave reviews for Bright's management of his office and included no criticisms.
His attorneys argue that Bright's removal from his post amounts to a violation of the Whistleblower Protection Act, claiming that Bright "has engaged in numerous instances of protected activity."
In the complaint, he says he is seeking reinstatement as BARDA's director and asking for a full investigation.


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Could The 2020 Senate Majority Be In Play? | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The panel discusses if the Senate majority could be in play in the coming elections. Aired on 5/6/2020.


Well-Known Member
Most Worried States Will Lift Restrictions Too Quickly: Poll | Morning Joe | MSNBC

63 percent of Americans are worried states will lift restrictions too quickly, according to new Monmouth polling. Aired on 5/6/2020.


Well-Known Member
MSNBC sure likes to run this ad for free, seems Donald saw it on Fox news late at night and started rage tweeting immediately, these former republican pricks know how to get under his skin. I hope Bloomberg is donating lots of bucks to them, they know how to run effective negative ads against him and he knows it. They have experience in fucking folks over, usually democrats, but not this time, they are going after GOP senators too with negative ads.
Triggered Trump Rages Over Ad Blasting His Coronavirus Response | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

Fmr. Republican Steve Schmidt reacts to the ad from his group, the Lincoln Project, taking on Trump's COVID-19 response which caused a furious reaction from the president. Aired on 5/5/2020.


Well-Known Member
Beautiful day here in Oregon. The lockdown has driven down the epidemic in this state to the point where we can go out and enjoy some of this weather. A survey in Corvallis that is run using Oregon State University labs to test local population for the virus is half-way done and we'll have results in another week or so.

Corvallis door-to-door coronavirus testing project enters second weekend
The Corvallis School Board chair was one of the first people to be tested for the coronavirus through the TRACE-COVID-19 study, which began last weekend. The project — the acronym stands for team-based rapid assessment of community-level coronavirus epidemics — aims to test 4,000 randomly chosen Corvallis residents by going door to door each weekend for four weeks.
The study is a collaboration among Oregon State University, the Benton County Health Department and the Willamette Valley Toxicology Lab. In total, the TRACE project has around 100 people throughout the university system involved, plus health department staff and WVT lab researchers.

TRACE’s results would paint a broader picture of how many locals have been exposed to the virus.
“I was really happy to participate,” Al-AbdRabbuh said. “It was all self-administered.”

Staffers are maintaining a safe distance from people’s front doors. The testing teams — one local health professional and one OSU student — provide participating households with study information and test kits containing nasal swabs for each resident taking part in the project.

Note that this is a survey for active Coronavirus cases, not a serological survey for presence of antibodies. It's part of an orderly and logical process where we take small steps toward relaxing lockdown orders while monitoring results along the way.

There were no deaths in Oregon for two days running. The gov is announcing reduced lockdown orders. The people in my area have been complying and we are seeing the benefit.

The garden is starting to show bare spots and I'm re-planting summer vegetables. Tomatoes go into the ground today, basil and eggplant in a couple more weeks. The kids have shown my lack of planning because the garden can't keep up with us. Time to add more garden beds and put those walking appetites to work weeding them.
Have you had rain? California is in another drought that isn't being reported because of everything else. We had one year of near normal rainfall and it was declared over, but actually, the drought has been ongoing for years, now. Here, we received zero rain in February. The weather is dry but beautiful, though.


Well-Known Member
Have you had rain? California is in another drought that isn't being reported because of everything else. We had one year of near normal rainfall and it was declared over, but actually, the drought has been ongoing for years, now. Here, we received zero rain in February. The weather is dry but beautiful, though.
Yeah, we have gotten plenty of rain. Snowpack was normal this year. I was aware of the drought declaration in CA and was astonished because we are having a pretty good water year. So far, that is.


Well-Known Member
America's biggest problem is Donald Trump, not the pandemic, the pandemic is manageable, Trump is not. He's gonna drive America to the slaughter house of herd immunity and cause even more death and economic destruction. He's also gonna kill off his base like Jim Jones murdered his followers, death by Koolaid.
How Trump's Erratic Behavior Puts Americans At Risk | Morning Joe | MSNBC

As the WH is set to wind down the coronavirus task force, even as new infections across the country continue, the panel discusses a new piece from conservative writer S.E. Cupp on the president's mental state. Aired on 05/06/2020.


Well-Known Member
America's biggest problem is Donald Trump, not the pandemic, the pandemic is manageable, Trump is not. He's gonna drive America to the slaughter house of herd immunity and cause even more death and economic destruction. He's also gonna kill off his base like Jim Jones murdered his followers, death by Koolaid.
How Trump's Erratic Behavior Puts Americans At Risk | Morning Joe | MSNBC

As the WH is set to wind down the coronavirus task force, even as new infections across the country continue, the panel discusses a new piece from conservative writer S.E. Cupp on the president's mental state. Aired on 05/06/2020.
Republicans are a disease and Trump is a symptom.
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