Palin done reading the manual on field dressing donkeys ...


Well-Known Member
I'm waiting for a judge to force her to release the 1100 emails she has refused to release, that were requested on behalf of the public by a Republican Alaskan member of a public watchdog group. She's citing 'executive privilege' (been studying with Cheney this last week, I guess). But that won't fly because she's already released many of them, maybe most, to one member of the public -- her husband.

It's a battle between two Republican reformers, One wants the public to see the email. One doesn't. I'm thinking only one of them is *really* a reformer. What happened to all that government transparency Palin has been bragging about? Doesn't apply to her?

Just think, if she's commited a crime by conducting partisan politics with public time, equipment and dollars, she could end up under indictment or even in jail. Then if McCain were to win, we could end up beginning a new term with the VP behind bars, or fighting to stay out of prison.

What would happen then? Who steps in if the VP is jailed? Secretary of State? Speaker of the House? Man, gonna have to get a civics book and brush up on the hierarchy.


New Member
"I'm waiting for a judge to force her to release the 1100 emails she has refused to release..."

Still hoping on hope, Bong? :-P



Well-Known Member
Welp, the indictments went out yesterday. Not for her, but for her husband and 12 employees, plus the phone records of one aide, so the corruption investigation has begun. Where it ends up, I dunno, but she can only keep those emails hidden until a judge forces their release. The judge will likely keep some hidden, but there are 40 or 50 headers that are extremely suspicious, and we should get to see what's in those. Unless she pulls a Cheney and 'loses' them.

So yeah, I'm still hoping for justice. It's not too late until it's too late.

And find your own links, dude, why expect me to do the work? Search for these keywords: Palin, corruption, investigation, 1100 emails. Then pick whatever links you want to read and educate yourself. Keep an eye out for the .pdf file of the headers of the emails she refuses to release, and have a gander if you like. Most of them are innocuous, but there are a good 40 or 50 that clearly have nothing whatsoever to do with 'policy deliberations', and it's going to be interesting to see what those are about.


New Member
Already having these discussions and she hasn't even taken office yet. I'll bet she's another Cheney in disguise, executive priveledge my ass. Open up that can of worms and see how fast Palin fades, If not, what's there to worry about all you Palin lovers, eh Vi?


New Member
Already having these discussions and she hasn't even taken office yet. I'll bet she's another Cheney in disguise, executive priveledge my ass. Open up that can of worms and see how fast Palin fades, If not, what's there to worry about all you Palin lovers, eh Vi?
She will be the next President. After McCain. I'm not worried.


New Member
I heard Palin say yesterday while commenting on the the "TrooperGate" deal: "How can anyone say that I fired the trooper? He's still a trooper and reports to work every day."

Yeppers ... she's one slippery politician ... a real Dick Cheney that gal! ~lol~ :bigjoint: