Palin as VP Choice quite disturbing.


Well-Known Member
Kids deserve a right to sex education.
Taught in school, yes? I remember those classes when I was in Jr. High. Palin's daughter went to public school unlike the politicos in DC who send their children off to private schools. I'm sure she was taught Sex Ed along with the rest of the commoners.


New Member
Taught in school, yes? I remember those classes when I was in Jr. High. Palin's daughter went to public school unlike the politicos in DC who send their children off to private schools. I'm sure she was taught Sex Ed along with the rest of the commoners.

No it's not taught in school, at least no in Palin's state. The only sex education they get is to be told not to have sex.

Now they are making those kids get married and if there was ever a really dumb reason to get married, teen pregnancy is it. Anyone want to wager on how long the happy teen family will stay together? I wager 2 years, if they get married at all.


Well-Known Member
No it's not taught in school, at least no in Palin's state. The only sex education they get is to be told not to have sex.
It was taught at my school back in 1975. I don't know about Alaska or other states. I will say this though...Even though we were taught Sex Education in Jr. High, I knew a lot of girls that got pregnant in spite of said education. Kids will do whatever the hell they want. I know....I've raised enough of them.

Now they are making those kids get married
I've heard that they're getting married, but I've not heard that they're being forced to get married.


Well-Known Member
Who called you a fuck wad? It's all good no hard feelings here.
Actually, I too should've done my homework as I look at the time stamps Canna. Therefore I apologize. It was not my intent to even remotely imply that you're a dumbass. I was sincerely interested in looking closer at what she's done. After looking at the timestamp on the "fuck wad" rep and Med's first post (both within minutes of each other) which was clearly directed at me, I have to say that it was Med...But of course...He lacks the testicular fortitude to sign his name. What a surprise. :lol:

Again, please accept my apology for even thinking that it was you.


Well-Known Member
Actually, I too should've done my homework as I look at the time stamps Canna. Therefore I apologize. It was not my intent to even remotely imply that you're a dumbass. I was sincerely interested in looking closer at what she's done. After looking at the timestamp on the "fuck wad" rep and Med's first post (both within minutes of each other) which was clearly directed at me, I have to say that it was Med...But of course...He lacks the testicular fortitude to sign his name. What a surprise. :lol:

Again, please accept my apology for even thinking that it was you.
OH think i'd rep you without leaving my name? Actually I did leave you rep a few mins ago and i signed it too. I accept your apology. :)


New Member
I've heard that they're getting married, but I've not heard that they're being forced to get married.

The boy is an 18 year old self proclaimed redneck that doesn't want kids.

Does that sound like somebody that is rushing to the church to get hitched? I'm guessing that they are bribing him to marry her. What an ignorant reason to marry !


New Member
Actually, I too should've done my homework as I look at the time stamps Canna. Therefore I apologize. It was not my intent to even remotely imply that you're a dumbass. I was sincerely interested in looking closer at what she's done. After looking at the timestamp on the "fuck wad" rep and Med's first post (both within minutes of each other) which was clearly directed at me, I have to say that it was Med...But of course...He lacks the testicular fortitude to sign his name. What a surprise. :lol:

Again, please accept my apology for even thinking that it was you.
Well, excuse me dumbass, signed Med. Uhhh, I never called you a fuckwad though, I guess if I get the credit for it, I might as well. It's really a lot less than I'd like to call you,. but rules is rules. Fortudinal testitude be damned, anyone that can tell me he'll kick in my cum stained teeth and get away with it is definently a fuckwad and then some. You're always bragging on how mean and badass you are, I guess you think physical violence is the answer to all arguements, a real neanderthol all brawn and no brains. You may try and remember the saying: "God made man and Samuel Colt made them equal" Kicking someones ass in this day and age may end up in a homicide. It may pay for you to be a little less aggressive for your own good, just saying. Signed Med. Do not construe this as a threat. I am a man of peace, most times. Signed Med.


Well-Known Member
How sad it must be that the Repub's VP choice is twice as qualified as the Lib's #1 pick.

Lower taxes and throw worthless bums out. Ya gotta like that.


New Member
From where did you get this information? Can you provide a link that proves this assertion ... like a direct quote from the young man in question?


It was on his myspace and I can't provide a link because you are too slow. The page has already been taken down.

I don't know if you are aware of it, but myspace is were the kids exhibit their true selves. Under the question he chose "I don't want kids" there is another option for that "someday" meaning eventually. However he didn't choose "Someday" he chose "I don't want kids" .

Had he had some sex education he might not be in the position to become a father to a child he doesn't want.


New Member
It was on his myspace and I can't provide a link because you are too slow. The page has already been taken down.

I don't know if you are aware of it, but myspace is were the kids exhibit their true selves. Under the question he chose "I don't want kids" there is another option for that "someday" meaning eventually. However he didn't choose "Someday" he chose "I don't want kids" .

Had he had some sex education he might not be in the position to become a father to a child he doesn't want.
You're welcome for the research. (orange you glad I didn't say banana?)


Well-Known Member
Bolderdash, The next POTUS must raise taxes or concede the white house to the chinese
sorry to disagree, but the next president needs to cut spending, taxes are already high enough to be a drag on economic growth. even though i want a strong defense, do we really need to be 52% of the world's defense spending??


New Member
The only way the White House will be tuned over to the Chinese is if your party is elected. Clinton was proof of that.

No, the dems will raise taxes, probably on your income group and above and start paying the chinese off, a debt mainly incured By the party of your kind, the repuke party, thanks Bush.


New Member
While 17-year-old Levi Johnston may seem like a good kid, People You’ll See In Hell is insightful enough to dig below the surface of this callow youth.
Levi Johnston lives in Wasilla, Alaska. The young man still lives with his parents while going to Wasilla High School as a Senior.
Despite his youth, Levi Johnston already has had several run-ins with the law. Alaska state troopers cited Levi on the 15th of July, 2007 for snagging a king salmon in the waters of Moose Creek - a creek which had been closed to king salmon fishing.
This flagrant display of disrespect towards the laws of the state of Alaska gives us a hint as to just how evil Levi Johnson really is, despite the fact that he somehow managed to make his $370 bail. And just how did Mr. Levi Johnston get that $370 anyways?
Probably by selling crack to 4-year-olds.
A bigger hint about the depths of this guy’s evil is that Levi Johnston was having sex with a girl who was just 4 years old at one point in her life.
Sure, she was 16 when Levi Johnston and his victim really started going at it, and yeah, the age of consent in Alaska is 16 - but come on, you know he totally pushed her into doing it.
Teenage girls in Alaska don’t want to have sex with ruggedly attractive older teenagers who play varsity hockey on the school team.
They don’t like it at all.
On his MySpace page, Levi Johnston freely admits his ignorance and his interest in randomly assaulting total strangers:
I’m a fuckin’ redneck, but I live to play hockey. I like to go camping and hang out with the boys, do some fishing, shoot some shit and just fuckin’ chillin’ I guess. Ya fuck with me I’ll kick ass.
According to the details on his MySpace page, Levi Johnston states:
Status: In a Relationship
Here for: Friends
Orientation: Straight
Hometown: WASILLA
Body type: 5′ 8″ / Athletic
Zodiac Sign: Taurus
Children: I don’t want kids
Education: High school
It’s especially interesting that Levi Johnston freely admits that he doesn’t want kids.
Mr. Johnston didn’t pay much attention to the condom/banana exhibition in health class evidently, as the teenage girl he was having sex with is now, according to media reports, pregnant.
Wonderful, isn’t it? Kids, having kids.
Making matters worse is the fact that Levi Johnston apparently feels that his staying around to “raise the baby” and “marry the girl” is going to make things better. Levi is a bit confused, you see. Life isn’t an afterschool special. You can’t just go off, have sex with your teenage girlfriend, get her pregnant, marry her and live happily ever after.
Of course, the mother of the child impregnated by Levi Johnston has announced that she’s supporting the couple with their selfish decision to get married and is not insisting on an abortion.
Joe Horn, that evil, evil man, would probably be happy to break bread with Levi Johnston.
Want to know more about that guy dating your teenage daughter before he knocks her up? People You’ll See In Hell recommends NetDetective, Intellius, or Background Searcher. Online background checks can save your family, your life or your political career.

Levi Johnston | People You'll See In Hell