Palin and Husband Hate America


Well-Known Member
Instead of a country for slavery and one against (e.g. the Civil War), we could break into two and put all the religious folks in one, and all the science types in the other. The religious folks (Palinites?) could pray that God would make things better. The rest of us would use science and make things better ourselves. Try it for 50 years, and see how everyone likes it. Also, give people a choice at age 16 or 18 which one they want to be a citizen of, so nobody is forced into a life of science, or a life inundated with fundies, if that's not what they want.


New Member
Hey Garry ...

From the Declaration of Independence as written by Thomas Jefferson:

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

"That whenever any Form of G9government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

So, Garry ... do you think Thomas Jefferson hated America too?



New Member
You know how much gold is going for?

They probably want to secede for the same reason a state should. The federal gov has run amok for decades and there is no constitution anymore. Unless you have something that shows she hates America, this post is just misleading. People call alot of clicks separatist, it isnt necessarily bad to want separation. If I had a rotting leg, id want that shit chopped off.

No its not misleading. They have strong ties to a separatist group who want to leave this country. And why are so preoccupied with my gold shit?


New Member
Hey Garry ...

From the Declaration of Independence as written by Thomas Jefferson:

"When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

"That whenever any Form of G9government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

So, Garry ... do you think Thomas Jefferson hated America too?

Is he running for President? Didn't think so. I love turning the "hating America" rhetoric on the anti-Obama crowd. They pull shit like this.


New Member
You know how much gold is going for?

They probably want to secede for the same reason a state should. The federal gov has run amok for decades and there is no constitution anymore. Unless you have something that shows she hates America, this post is just misleading. People call alot of clicks separatist, it isnt necessarily bad to want separation. If I had a rotting leg, id want that shit chopped off.
Nope, its not misleading. They don't want to a part of this country (AMERICA) because they hate it. Its pretty simple.

And if you had a rotting leg and wanted to chop it off how stupid would it be to want to keep it later....still attached?


New Member
Is he running for President? Didn't think so. I love turning the "hating America" rhetoric on the anti-Obama crowd. They pull shit like this.
Shit like what? Quoting the Declaration of Independence? ~lol~

You're really not much of a thinker, are you Garry?

Our liege lords in Washington just put us on the hook for another 200 BILLION-plus for the massive bailout that's coming. A failure of Fannie Mae and Freddie MAC that THEY caused. And you think when people think about breaking away from the federal government they "hate America?" On the contrary ... they love America but hate their government.

And no, in reference to your snide comment, Thomas Jefferson isn't running for president, but his words live on.



New Member
Shit like what? Quoting the Declaration of Independence? ~lol~

You're really not much of a thinker, are you Garry?

Lets be grownups and not try to deliberately miss qoute each other. Palin and her husband has had very strong political ties to a group that wants to secede from this country. They hate America.


New Member
It'd be sweet if one of these states broke off and followed a the old dusty constitution. We could move there and experience a constitutional republic for the first time in our lives. Joy.
I think it already been was called the civil war....


Well-Known Member
I don't think she or her husband hate America. They have a better reason for wanting to secede than mere hatred: greed! If they broke off Alaska, Alaska has vast amounts of oil and resources, few people, and apparently a lot of polar bears and moose to eat. You can see that greed clearly.

I mean, that video of her saying what does the vice president do, she also mentioned she'd have to look into how being vice president would help Alaska. And in her times in office, she's been raking in the pork, raping non-Alaskan taxpayers to benefit Alaska. It's all about Alaska with her. I can almost envision McCain falling over dead, and the next day she announces that the capitol will be moved to Alaska.

Nothing against Alaska, but it's *a* state, not *the* state. Pretty blatantly dishonest of her to run on being against the pork city Bridge to Nowhere when she was, in fact, *for* it when she was running for governor. It was only after *other* people said, hey, hundreds of millions of dollars for a bridge for 80 people is kinda like, umm, reaming the taxpayers -- only then did she suddenly change her mind on it. Had there not been a politically motivated reason (like being seen as the greedy pork-eating glutton that she is), she would *still* be for it. And even so, it's biting her in the ass, mainly because she was rubbing it into the faces of the Alaskans who were *there* when she was all gung ho for that big ol' piece of pork. It's hard to tell the country one thing, when an entire state's worth of people know it's an outright lie. I mean, that seems...unintelligent.

She's a joke. McCain should have gone with his gut and picked Lieberman. No, Lieberman isn't my most favoritest guy in the world, but he didn't build his career munching on pork like she did. And he's at least aware of what a vice president does, and no, it doesn't (generally) involve a whole lot of kickassness for Alaska at the expense of everyone else. And he probably knows a whole lot more about, well, everything than she does. Except raising promiscuous teenage daughters that utilize (poorly) the abstinence-only method of birth control that Palin favors. I guess she has all the 'experience' in that area. (Not that I'm at *all* against promiscuous teenage daughters -- I'd just rather they be educated about *all* forms of birth control so they don't end up with fathers that don't want children, as Palin's daughter's boyfriend doesn't.)

Alas, Lieberman does not have a vagina, and he doesn't support repressing those who do, so that ruled him out.


New Member
Fuck McCain, Palin, Obama and Biden. They are all horseshit. This post is misleading, but its your typical shit, you're just a blue sheep. But keep up making wild accusations. Im sure plenty have been doing that with Obama too. It's nice to know both their names will be dragged thru the mud as they are both pigs. Everyone knows Secede does not == hate

Read the thread opener. Come on, if your going to expect me to respond then put some effort into it.


Well-Known Member
Read the thread opener. Come on, if your going to expect me to respond then put some effort into it.
I did Garry, but you said nothing! The link you posted tries to paint this couple as extreme separationists. Yet, the group actually advocates a change in the state's charter. Such a format already exists in the:

Commonwealth of Kentucky
Commonwealth of Massachusettes
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Commonwealth of Virginia

Now, aren't you embarrassed by your poor research? Aren't you embarrassed because you support a lie and repeat the lie as the truth?


New Member
Fuck McCain, Palin, Obama and Biden. They are all horseshit. This post is misleading, but its your typical shit, you're just a blue sheep. But keep up making wild accusations. Im sure plenty have been doing that with Obama too. It's nice to know both their names will be dragged thru the mud as they are both pigs. Everyone knows Secede does not == hate
Sure it does, its just that it doesn't fit in nicely to your agenda.


New Member
I did Garry, but you said nothing! The link you posted tries to paint this couple as extreme separationists. Yet, the group actually advocates a change in the state's charter. Such a format already exists in the:

Commonwealth of Kentucky
Commonwealth of Massachusettes
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
Commonwealth of Virginia

Now, aren't you embarrassed by your poor research? Aren't you embarrassed because you support a lie and repeat the lie as the truth?
Not at all. If you want to secede from the Union you don't like the Union. We had those same type of people here in Texas about 10 years ago and they were hunted down and thrown in jail. Try doing YOUR research.


New Member
Are you retarded? Do you not see that in no way you have shown that Palin hates America? "This is just left wing propaganda blah blah blah". Both sides are full of shit, this is just more proof that anyone that swears allegiance to a particular political party is probably a total brain dead asshole. Another worthless repeater.

Why wouldn't I just say GarryFroker hates America? You obviously enjoy misleading Americans by spreading your propaganda, doing nothing but wasting your time and others time with outright lies. You just want to spray your bullshit everywhere because you happen to hate those asshole tyrants, the republicans and love those pussy socialist the democrats. There is already too much bullshit on both sides do everyone a favor and die.

Sure it does, its just that it doesn't fit in nicely to your agenda.


New Member
Are you retarded? Do you not see that in no way you have shown that Palin hates America? "This is just left wing propaganda blah blah blah". Both sides are full of shit, this is just more proof that anyone that swears allegiance to a particular political party is probably a total brain dead asshole. Another worthless repeater.

Why wouldn't I just say GarryFroker hates America? You obviously enjoy misleading Americans by spreading your propaganda, doing nothing but wasting your time and others time with outright lies. You just want to spray your bullshit everywhere because you happen to hate those asshole tyrants, the republicans and love those pussy socialist the democrats. There is already too much bullshit on both sides do everyone a favor and die.
Funny how you have my political leanings and favs all squared away. But you have no clue. You're stumped so you have to attack. Go ahead if it makes you feel better.


Well-Known Member
Not at all. If you want to secede from the Union you don't like the Union. We had those same type of people here in Texas about 10 years ago and they were hunted down and thrown in jail. Try doing YOUR research.
Garry, either your dense or you have lied.

Most states have a second constitutional convention as they get older. My state has had four constitutions in almost 200 years. The goal of the named group is to have a constitutional referendum because they want greater autonomy. For some people that means secede. For most it means becoming a commonwealth.

Just because Mr and Mrs Palin belong to this group means very little. It would be like saying GarryFroker is a democrat, which of course means he's a left-wing nut job, right?