Pain, need help finding a way to get the meds I need!!!

tea tree

Well-Known Member
if you have pain then you got no prob. Just be honest. First come tramadol, then oxycodone, then morphine is added on. over that you have to have something like cancer or an arm hanging off to get taken seriously. I was in rehab and barely survivng my pain condition, rehab over booze. Lol, I turned down all pain pills over and over till finally they told me their was thing called "quality of life" and they were not allowed to let me leave unless I was living a decent quality of life. So in came the pills. And you know what, they were right, lol, and I somehow dont care to abuse em. They say only like 5 percent of patients who are legit ever abuse their pain pills. Lol, so when i feel like partying I hit up the heroin dealer. JK. hehe. Just be so honest that it hurts. lots of people are reverse scared to ask their doc for pills if it hurts cuz of all the bad junkie talk. I wont tell a chick again, not unless I want to get it later.
all jokes aside i got all fucked up on a construction site when a wall fell on me and a legit doctor put me on meds for a legit reason and i thought i was in heaven man i finally got my own script but a year later i was in more pain then i was in before i started taking them i finally realized the pills arnt all what ther cracked up to be at least not for me,of course you couldnt tell me that when i first started. i got off of them which wasnt easy but i am doing better now then i ever have, but some people do need them and take them the way your supposed to, i find it hard to believe only 5 percent of people abuse there meds but maybe.


Well-Known Member
Then go to the doctor.

It is apparent you're either a narcotic-addict pill-head fuck, or you're gonna sell them (which will eventually lead to younger kids getting their hands on this shit).. either way it's grounds for an ass beating in my book.
If we could only meet face to face, I think you might change your tone a bit, tough guy ;)


Well-Known Member
if you have pain then you got no prob. Just be honest. First come tramadol, then oxycodone, then morphine is added on. over that you have to have something like cancer or an arm hanging off to get taken seriously. I was in rehab and barely survivng my pain condition, rehab over booze. Lol, I turned down all pain pills over and over till finally they told me their was thing called "quality of life" and they were not allowed to let me leave unless I was living a decent quality of life. So in came the pills. And you know what, they were right, lol, and I somehow dont care to abuse em. They say only like 5 percent of patients who are legit ever abuse their pain pills. Lol, so when i feel like partying I hit up the heroin dealer. JK. hehe. Just be so honest that it hurts. lots of people are reverse scared to ask their doc for pills if it hurts cuz of all the bad junkie talk. I wont tell a chick again, not unless I want to get it later.
Yeah some people just can't understand that some people really have pain issues. Weed helps a bit for sure, but it's not always enough. Most docs seem afraid to actually help people with pain meds. So many people assume that you're just a junkie or whatever, oh well, nothin new.


Well-Known Member
I was hit by a car when I was 9 years old. The only thing that hit me.. was the metal side mirror.. but it did some significant damage to my left frontal lobe area.. of my forehead and brain. I'm a normal functioning person and everything.. but I do have pain issues from that wreck. I mean shit.. I had brain swelling; had one seizure as soon as the ambulance got to the hospital.. but luckily (our family doctor really liked nah but he was a close family friend as well as our family doc..) and I never had another seizure after the first one... but yeah I had brain swelling inside my frontal left lobe area of my brain.. so they had to cut out that piece of my skull.. to help relieve the pressure that my brain was putting on the inside of my skull. I had three brain surgeries; was in ICU for two weeks; then moved to a regular room after that.. but I was in the hospital for a total of 3.5 weeks. I'm blessed to be here on this earth after that accident.. and sitting here typing and telling my story.. just doesn't do justice for it. It was really severe man.. real bad.

But yeah, my doc finally told me that if I wanted to.. he could help me with the pain.. and prescribe a Narcotic pain killer.. and I would have a better quality of life. Well, my parents were kinda "iffy" on the whole idea of taking a narcotic.. but if it made me to where I could live each day without pain.. then they were all for it.

I've had a better quality of life ever since I was put on the pain killers..

also.. I don't think that someone should judge someone else.. especially when they haven't been through what that person has been through.. and haven't experienced the pain that that person has experienced.

It's kinda like judging a book just by its cover.. you shouldn't do it.

That's all I'm going to say for this thread.

peace everyone.


Well-Known Member
Ha, first of all, just because someone wants a script doesn't mean their a cop. Obviously everyone gets scared talking about meds, but posting grow ops everywhere is fine, whatever. Ganjaluvr.... if u think im a cop why did you PM me telling me you could help me get meds??? Don't call BS either ganja, I still got ur messages dickhead.
It's the way you came in and just bluntly asked dude.... I've been setup before by a snitch.. and I've been arrested by a real cop before man. I know how they work dude. I'm just saying...

secondly... grow ops?? well, first of all dude.. in some states.. marijuana is LEGAL!! and!!! So is growing!!! Do some research before you come in talking like you know it all bro.

I mean seriously.. who in there right mind.. just comes into a forums site.. and bluntly asks.. "Help! im in so much pain.. anyone know where I could find a doctor to write me a script.. or maybe buy one??" that shit just has dirty written all over it..

I have no problem with you.. its just.. the way you came in and bluntly asked the question you asked. Not cool bro..

its all good though man.

and thirdly.. I was never going to actually help you dude. I messaged you.. to see how you would react to my message.. to further my investigation.. as to rather or not your the fuzz.. It's called reverse psychology you idiot. Now go play with people that are on your level. Because I'm WAYYY above yours.

But like I said.. I'm not gonna get all mad about some bullshit like this. So its all gravy man... In fact, I'm going to light up another bowl of some Mr. Nice.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you're way, "above my level," obviously. I had no idea that in some states you could grow weed legally, even though it's still illegal on the federal level, thanks for clarifying that for me. I never asked for any kind of illegal help either, thanks for the offer though, I am looking for help finding legit scripts. Maybe you got busted because you're a dumbass, if you think this thread is sketchy, why are you all over it? Nice attempt to cover your ass with the "reverse psychology" bullshit, haha. Wise up, learn from your mistakes, maybe you won't get yourself into trouble again. Additionaly, if you know how cops and snitches work, why have you been busted twice?