P deficiency. Can I use seabird guano?

I have three girls that have been vegging about a month. Soil organics and this is my fourth grow. They are flipping over in probably two weeks. Noticed this morning that my Super Skunk has a bit of Phosphorus def popping up (light purplish spots on a few leaves). Also possibly a little low on N as lower leaves are yellowing etc, however this could just be from lack of light.

Question is at this point in my grow is it safe for me to hit them with some 12-11-2 peruvian seabird guano? Not sure if so much N will mess with them girls or not. They are strong and healthy otherwise. Sorry no pics as Im off to work.

Thanks for any responses it is much appreciated!


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't add that much nitogen at this time as once the plant goes into bloom, it won't need that much. Have you been adding CalMag? The yellowing could also becaused by a lack of either of those two. If you haven't been adding any, I would.
Jimdamick - Welp, I picked up organic camg this week and fed it last watering (sunday.) However before that they weren't getting any calmag supplement. Going to keep it up with every watering from here out. I thought the N in the poo seemed pretty high too, but they got probably two weeks until I flip the switch on them. Think I will do more harm than good applying it?

Kountdown - That is an interesting thought. Maybe some castings and a guano tea is in order if CaMg doesn't clear it up.

They seem to get watered about every 4-6 days. Am I going to be battling overwatering if I give them a shot of guano and water?

Thank you both for your responses!